

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Hirono, Obama, Other Liberals Are ‘Elitist Snobs at Heart’

Fox News' Laura Ingraham blasted Dems for saying they're so 'smart' it's hard to 'connect' with other Americans

Although liberals “claim to be for the little guy,” they’re “really elitist snobs at heart” who are dogged by the infamous “deplorables” disparagement and recent comments from Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) and former first lady Michelle Obama, Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Wednesday night.
Former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton dismissed “half of” President Donald Trump’s supporters as being in “the basket of deplorables” during a September 2016 fundraiser in New York City. The remark haunted her campaign from the moment she said it up through the days leading up to her stunning loss to Trump.
Hirono (pictured above left) raised some eyebrows on Tuesday during an evening with Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick at the Bend Towards Justice conference in Washington, D.C. Hirono lamented that Democratic politicians are so smart they have trouble connecting with average Americans.
“We Democrats know so much,” Hirono declared. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here” — she pointed to her brain — “but not here,” she added, pointing to her heart.
Hirono suggested her Democratic peers must “speak to the heart, not in a manipulative way, not in a way that brings forth everybody’s fears and resentments, but truly speak to the heart so that people know that we’re actually on their side.”
“We have to kind of tell everyone how smart we are, and so we have a tendency to be very left-brain,” Hirono continued.
Michelle Obama also made some rather elitist remarks during a recent event with Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in London during her tour to promote her new memoir, “Becoming.”
Obama said the “secret” she wanted to offer young women who are smart like her was this: “I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of. I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N. They are not that smart,” she said.
Reflecting on these remarks, Ingraham said that “Democrats and their allies imply that they have a monopoly on intelligence and brain power. But if that’s true, why have they screwed things up so badly when they had the chance to fix them?”
“Liberals claim to be for the little guy — you know, ‘they’re the champions of the average person.’ But they’re really elitist snobs at heart,” Ingraham argued.
After playing clips of liberals and media elites trashing Trump in 2016 and claiming that the stock market would tank and the country would be thrown into World War III if Trump somehow won the White House, Ingraham said she is still “seeing there’s very little evidence that they’ve learned much about America, why [Americans] voted in the first place for Donald Trump and why they still support so many of his policies — especially on trade and immigration.”
Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, a guest on the Wednesday night program, told Ingraham that “it took a billionaire from New York to champion the wants and needs of Middle America, which is now everywhere between Manhattan and Malibu.”
“Middle America saw in Donald Trump finally a populist hero that talked about trade and immigration in a way that no one had for a long time,” Kirk said.
He added that “the rebellion of Donald Trump was rooted in” the belief that the “American people know better than the rulers here in Washington.”
Author Andrew Yarrow, a senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute and another guest on the program, noted that both political parties have “problems” with their own strains of elitism.
“But the thing about the Democrats that has really gotten to bother me is the political correctness,” Yarrow said, pointing to liberals’ “empowerment” of women at the cost of disparaging and dismissing men.
“They can’t see men’s problems … Instead, they see men as the problem,” Yarrow said, pointing to his recent book called “Man Out.”

“You know, they don’t look at the concerns of men, men who are out of work, struggling for fatherhood and families, men who have [been] struggling with poor health, mental health, and even men who don’t know what it means to be a man today.”
But consultant Scott Levenson, the president of The Advance Group, largely dismissed the idea of Democrats as elitists, arguing that liberals are trying to find solutions to “complex” issues.
“The fact is when we look at trying to find a solution to the global crisis of warming in our environment, that’s us trying to take a stab at a difficult policy … We’re trying to deal with the policy challenge, not deny it,” Levenson said.
“Same is true with health care.”
Check out the spirited discussion among the panel in the video below:

'The Ingraham Angle' Discusses Democrats' Elitism Problem



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