

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Truth Hurts, she is nasty. I don't see how she still has a job?

Kid Rock appeared on “Fox & Friends” Friday and couldn’t resist name-calling “The View” host Joy Behar while he was live on air.
“Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy asked Kid Rock what he thought of President Donald Trump’s job performance and he responded with some strong words for Behar(RELATED: Kid Rock Points To White House Media And Tells Them Exactly What He Thinks Of Their Trump Coverage)
“I think the president’s doing a great job with his policies. I wish, you know, I heard you earlier in a bumper asking people what was their biggest concern, and mine would be just, you know, the division in the country right now. It’s so hard for people just to get past that we can disagree and still be cordial with one another,” Rock said.
” … you know, and just talk about things without going for each other’s throats and protesting everything and — God forbid you say something a little bit wrong — you’re racist, homophobic, Islamophobic. This, that and the other. People need to calm down, get a little less politically correct. And I would say, you know, love everybody,” he continued. “Except I’d say screw that Joy Behar bitch. Everybody but that.”
Doocy rebuked Rock and apologized to viewers for the language and caused him to backpedal slightly, but not before doubling down again.
“I mean lady. I mean lady,” Rock replied. ” … maybe we’ll go on and I’ll hash it out with her and we’ll talk about it. But, aside from joking, which I was, is just go out and hash it out with people and have your thoughts and ideas but, be able to still go have a beer with somebody and just say, you know, hey, we all love this country. And you know, let’s have different ideas, but try to move forward and be more together and realize at the end of the day, we’re all Americans.”
“I did apologize for the language,” he concluded. “Not the sentiment.”



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