

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Obamacare: The mother of miserable failures – IBD/TIPP

The Obamacare deadline is coming up, and everyone stuck in the individual market, and at some employers with multiple-choice offerings, is focused on choosing some kind of health care insurance.
For me, I'm looking to higher deductibles and a less comprehensive plan because the cost of the one I have now has skyrocketed 11%, forcing me to pay monthly premiums higher than my old Beverly Hills rent payments.
Affordable?  Don't think so.  And I'm certainly not alone.
Investor's Business Daily has a new poll and terrific editorial about Americans' top concern, which is...affordable health care.  You know, that thing Obama promised us.  And never got around to living up to.
The latest IBD/TIPP poll shows that health care costs rank at the top of the list of priorities the public has for the new Congress when it convenes in January.

Fully 22% listed this as their highest priority and another 18% listed it is their second highest.  That's above immigration, economy/jobs, or national security.  It's way above infrastructure and criminal justice reforms (which were at the rock bottom of the priority list).
But wait a minute.  Forty percent say health care costs should be a top priority for Congress?  Four years after ObamaCare went into effect?
What an embarrassment this should be for Democrats, who foisted the nightmare onto it, courtesy of incoming House speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Remember her?  We got lots more of her, coming to a Congress near you.
It almost makes me wonder if voters sent Pelosi back to office to finish what she started, not realizing that the results of Obamacare and its miserable failure to lower health care costs and expand access are a feature, not a bug, in the system.
Democrats did admit that they ran and won on health care costs, something Republicans failed to curb due to their failure to end Obamacare.  Now voters have given Democrats a second shot at this, and rest assured: they will make it worse.  Because let's face it: with results like that, with a failure like that, results themselves are not a big deal to either Pelosi or her Democrats, just yelling good intentions.
This is not going to end well for voters.  But what can be shouted from the rooftops by Republicans is that Obamacare has failed, and voters deserve something better.  They should get on it, big time.


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