

Friday, June 21, 2019

Bite Me Blasted for Comments About His Segregationist Pals

RUSH: Do you know the wife of — is it Sherrod or Sherrod Brown, the Senator from Ohio? How does he pronounce his first name? Nobody knows. No big deal, don’t go looking it up. I’m never sure what it is. Anyway, his wife is a Pulitzer Prize winning liberal journalist. Her name is Connie Schultz. Not Connie Brown. Connie Schultz. You know what she did?
She ripped into Joe Biden. She ripped into Biden for bragging about his relationships with segregationist senators as examples of civility. She said that Biden’s comments showed that he should not replace Trump in the White House. “There is no punchline here, no emoji or funny meme to soften the harm of your words. That segregationist never called you ‘boy’ because you are white. If you want to boast about your relationship with a racist, you are not who we need to succeed the racist in the White House.”
Now, what this is all about is, at a fundraiser in New York on Tuesday, Bite Me named two segregationist Democrats who served in the Senate with him in the seventies as examples of politicians he could work with. He cited James Eastland of Mississippi, and Biden said, “And he never called me ‘boy.’ He called me ‘son.’”
Eastland said he thought black people belonged to an inferior race and here’s Biden out there claiming that this is one of the guys he was able to work with showing he can cross the aisle. And then the other Democrat — and I love this guy. “Hummin” Talmadge. Remember old Herman? H-u-m-m-i-n, Herman Talmadge, right there along with Ernest Hollings.
And who was the guy from Alabama, that big guy from Alabama? Just loved to say the word “documents.” What’s his name? Having a mental block. It’ll come to me. So Joe Biden talking – (interruption) Hmm? That’s right. Howell Heflin. He’s the guy — this a true story — they showed him pictures of Ted Kennedy in a boat with a woman off the coast of the South of France, and they showed the picture — true story, New York Daily News pictures. They showed Howell Heflin, he said, “Boy, doesn’t look to me like Senator Kennedy done change his position on offshore drilling.” True story. Don’t get mad at me. Howell Heflin of Alabama.
Herman Talmadge, Biden said Herman was one of the meanest guys I ever knew, but guess what? At least there was some civility. Herman and I got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything, we got things done, we got it finished. But today you look at the other side, and you’re the enemy.
So here comes Sherrod Brown’s wife, you’re citing these guys as examples of how you can make things happen? These are racists. Herman Talmadge, by the way, denounced the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, said it was a lousy court decision, lousy legislation, these are Democrats! These are Democrats, 1954, 1960s saying this stuff. These are Democrats!
And Julianne Malveaux, “The Republicans stole this stuff from us.” Stole it? You still own it! Anyway, I just know Biden is thinking when he does this that he’s just dazzling everybody, and everybody’s getting impressed, ’cause Biden thinks that what still everybody wants is somebody to walk across the aisle, work with the enemy, make Washington work, get things done. So he cites these relationships he had with Herman Talmadge and James Eastland. And I guarantee you he is stunned that anybody is coming out criticizing him for this.
And then there’s one more Bite Me story before we get back to phones. This is in the Washington Times. “Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden told a group of donors on Tuesday that he doesn’t necessarily want to ‘demonize’ people who have made money. ‘By the way, you know, remember I got in trouble with some of the people on my team, on the Democratic side, because I said, “You know what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people.” Not a joke,’ Mr. Biden said at a fundraiser in New York City, according to a pool report of the event. ‘I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money.’”
That’s not gonna fly. Demonizing rich people other than your own donors is one of the foundational planks and building blocks of the Democrat Party! The rich are the evil! They don’t share their money! They don’t give it away! They hoard it! They don’t pay their fair share and here comes Biden after saying he was able to do great things with a couple racist senators now claiming he doesn’t want rich people attacked.
Well, what about demonizing those in government who cut corrupt deals with China that made their families wealthy, can we criticize that or not? Well, that’s what Joe did. He got one of his sons a sweetheart deal with a ChiCom company to be manager of a business that Biden’s son had no idea how to run. Paid a healthy salary for it too.
RUSH: Cory Booker is outraged over Joe Bite Me’s comments about his friendship with segregationists.  It’s not just Sherrod Brown’s wife.  “Weighing in on his 2020 Democratic rival Joe Biden’s comments about his friendships with [Democrat senator] segregationists, Sen. Cory Booker predicted the former vice president would not be his party’s presidential nominee. The New Jersey Democrat has not gone after the former vice president by name as the two vie for the party’s nomination. That changed Wednesday as Biden faced criticism for his comments invoking two segregationist senators,” Herman Talmadge and James Eastland. “Booker, who is black, responded to a tweet from a Twitter user, who captioned a photo of a woman looking sad, ‘me realizing i’m going to have to vote for joe biden in 2020.'”
(summarized exchange) I gotta vote for the guy! We gotta beat Trump.  He’s palling around here with segregationists.  I gotta vote for him.  (Booker’s mad about that.) “No, you don’t! You can vote for me. You don’t need to vote for this guy.  You can always count on Bite Me to step in it and then watching him trying to get out of it is interesting in its own right.  Of course, we haven’t heard yet from Kamala Harris, Mayor Pete, or Fauxcahontas.  A shame that Biden didn’t mention a couple of Indians that he’d once had some adult beverages with and what a great bunch of people they were for it.  Had he done that, then he could have brought her out of the woodwork to also have a problem.
Well, you can wish.
It’s not over.
Biden still has many more sacks of manure to step in.

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