

Friday, June 21, 2019

Kamala Harris declares foreign border-jumpers an 'ethnic group'

It's Dumb asses like this that makes me never ever vote Democrat again. These far Left Idiots will do or say anything for a vote

Democratic senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris thinks illegal aliens have now become an "ethnic group."  Here's her tweet:
Mass deportations are cruel and violate our values. As this president rips more families apart, let's remember that history has already shown us what happens when governments begin rounding people up by ethnic group. This would be a shameful stain on our country. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1140965400764657666 
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Last we heard, the border-jumping crowd being apprehended in the current surge included citizens of Congo, Honduras, Cuba, Guatemala, Venezuela, Uganda, Bangladesh, El Salvador, and other failed states.  Calling them an "ethnic group" is pretty absurd, unless, of course, Harris thinks they all look alike.
But in making this phony charge, it's pretty obvious what Harris's real game was: spreading the "narrative" that border laws are "racist" and that any enforcement effort at all amounts to pure discrimination.  This, if true, is a heck of a thing for someone of any supposedly oppressed ethnicity to want to get into. 
It's also an odd thing for a former prosecutor, supposedly schooled in rule of law, to claim.  She got herself a tweetstorm for her nonsense on those grounds alone. Here are a couple of choice morsels:
Mass deportations are cruel and violate our values. As this president rips more families apart, let's remember that history has already shown us what happens when governments begin rounding people up by ethnic group. This would be a shameful stain on our country. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1140965400764657666 
As a prosecutor, @KamalaHarris, you rounded up black people who violated our laws and ripped them apart from their families!
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Mass deportations are cruel and violate our values. As this president rips more families apart, let's remember that history has already shown us what happens when governments begin rounding people up by ethnic group. This would be a shameful stain on our country. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1140965400764657666 
As a prosecutor, @KamalaHarris, you rounded up black people who violated our laws and ripped them apart from their families!
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Her grandstanding also speaks to yet another issue: her ignorance of her own job. 
you're still in US Senate, the only branch of Federal Government with the authority to legislate/reform US Law.
You sound like a know nothing, complaining about enforcement of Law when you have the power to change it.
See Diane Lange's other Tweets
Congress sets immigration quotas and makes immigration law, and here we have Harris, a sitting member of the Senate who's one of the few people in the U.S. with the power to change immigration law, complaining about the enforcement of laws Congress created.  Does she know this?  Does she ever do her job?  Or is it too much fun cooking up creative new claims about how the U.S. is racist?

Whatever it is, the leftist candidate who made her way in politics at Willie Brown's knee, so to speak, doesn't come off as terribly knowledgeable about her current job, let alone the one she wants. 

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