

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Scum in the Squad

Not my words.   Shared from unknown user

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We have the latest Trump Tweet and subsequent MSM fact twisting unbiased feeding frenzy and "The Squad" was all too happy to have the hook lodged in their gullet before the bait even settled. Cries of 'Racist' rebound throughout the land. The bait was too rich to resist as the weeks old infighting within the Democrat Party continues between the old guard Neoliberals and the virgin Progressive Congresswomen.
Let's cover the Trump quote. He said, "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help, you can't leave fast enough". Note that race, gender, origin, religion and names. None of this was mentioned and this is critical to back the squads claim of racism. They assumed that he spoke of them but he never said that.
Who is the squad? They are Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Alexandra Ocasio-cortez of New York. All of them are ideology driven and champion shit stirrers. They come with a plethora of Anti-American baggage. One is Somali born and supports ISIS having obtained Citizenship by marriage to her brother. She supports CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. Another is American born of Palestinian stock, is rabid Anti-isreal and called her boss a MF the day she swore in.
Alexandra Ocasio-cortez of New York who is a constant source of entertainment and backbone of the Communist Green Deal that would bankrupt the nation and cause the crash of the world economy that is dependent on America. Lastly, the quiet one of the group, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. Progressive and supporter of the Green Deal. She has not met a divisive word she has not liked. Racist? Hold my beer.
Keep in mind that every Republican has been called racist since Eisenhower and I can not recall the last Republican President the left has not tried to impeach. Consider this, with one Tweet, Trump has gotten the entire Democrat Party to go on record supporting these radical progressives.
Let's take the definition of the word Racist now. It is the belief in the superiority of one race over another. He did not mention race at all, they did. Are they being Racist? He only criticised their attitude towards the United States. What about Sexism now. That is the prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination which is typical but not necessarily against women on the basis of sex. Could they be sexist against him since they were not even mentioned by Trump? What about reverse misogyny. The definition of misogyny is a dislike or contempt or ingrained prejudice against women or in this case possibly men.
Something to think about wouldn't you say?! Put impeachment of these Congresswomen aside for the moment. It's their role to make law. What have they done collectively? Absolutely nothing, that speaks for itself yet they bitch, moan, groan and whine and are constantly in the news for nothing more then their divisiveness with the party of unity and inclusion. It is time to make them all one term wonders. That is all.
 — with Casimir Sobieski.





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