

Friday, January 29, 2021

Hirono: ‘Sad’ the GOP Embraces White Supremacists, Conspiracy Theorists

 My Liberal Socialist Bernie Loving Democrats can do no wrong socialist actually  showed me his racist true colors after accusing me of being a "racist" just for not liking Obamacare.  I actually screened shot his message and saved it when he actually said "It would be be bad for the Country if that "N word" got in the white house referring to Ben Carson.  When I called him out on it the next day he said it was a joke.  Democrats, Liberals, Socialist, Shitbags are a joke  when they are ramping up the Racist bullshit today.  To me they mean nothing.  They belittle themselves when using it and their Garbage media is just a big joke when  calling all Trump supporters "white supremist!  This clown is an Embarrassment to Hawaii.



Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) on Friday told MSNBC’s “Live” that it was “sad” the Republican Party embraced “white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.”

On impeachment, Hirono said, “The conviction for inciting insurrection, that’s first and foremost on my mind. Let’s do that first. We have a bunch of Republicans who are not willing to hold this president accountable. We have a Republican Party embracing White supremacists and conspiracy theory believers. That’s the party. So first and foremost, we need to get on with the impeachment trial. unless the president comes one evidence that says he’s totally innocent of everything, which I don’t think so because we all experienced this insurrection.”

On coronavirus stimulus, Hirono said, “Millions of people are suffering right now. They have been suffering since this pandemic. Joe Biden is acting with a sense of urgency, which I share. The Democrats share that. So this should not be held up for very long. I would be perfectly happy to get something done next week. Time is of the essence. People are facing evictions. They have to put food on the table. They have rent. Millions of people are suffering? I don’t understand why the Republicans don’t seem to give a rip about that. What is wrong with them as they embrace white supremacists and conspiracy theorists? That’s the Republican Party now. Pretty sad.”





bottom line;  They are all NUTS!  Who is giving them their talking points?

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