

Monday, December 27, 2021

You'll never believe the latest evidence of an 'insurrection' (Great examples below of the Hypocrite Scumbags)

 On December 24, Biden gave America the gift of self-denunciation.  When Jared Schmeck, along with his son, called the NORAD number that Joe and Mrs. Jill Biden were manning, Schmeck puckishly ended the call by saying, "Let's go, Brandon."  The feckless Biden echoed this sentiment, adding delightfully, "I agree."  It was a prank, but it was enough to enrage the Democrat party praetorian guard (i.e., the media).  They identified Schmeck as if he'd aimed a gun at Biden's head, and then they proceeded to attack him viciously, including doxing him.  The peak media madness came when a CNN talking head said Schmeck's prank constituted an "insurrection."

Here's the prank, which was polite and, to a lot of people, bespeaks frustration with rising inflation, a failed COVID policy, insane energy prices, and (still) the fiasco of Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal:

The moment Biden stepped into the verbal dog doo, both news media and social media responded with the fervor of fundamentalist Muslims who just heard Mohamed blasphemed:

As RedState reported, some of the Democrat madmen are trying to destroy Schmeck's business for daring to say, "Let's go, Brandon" to the great white dope in the White House.  Doing so will destroy not only a family man, but also his eleven employees.

Even politicians got into the act:

It's really nice to see that Swalwell has forgiven himself for having an affair with a Chinese spy and therefore feels sufficiently sinless to start casting stones.  He's satisfied himself that what he did was way less bad than pranking the president with a phrase that came courtesy of an NBC sports reporter.

In response to this hysteria, conservatives have been reminding leftists that, during Trump's presidency, the latter's behavior was the most disrespectful toward a president since Southerners rejected Lincoln in 1861:



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