

Friday, August 5, 2022

DeSantis fires a Soros prosecutor and it’s glorious

 All these Leftist Marxist Scumbags always cry a  "threat to Democracy" when it doesn't go their way.  Right now the Marxist, Socialist Globalist Assholes a big threat to American Democracy 


George Soros has been using his vast wealth, either directly or indirectly, to fund campaigns for hard-left prosecutors. Once in office, these prosecutors institute explicit policies that see them refusing to prosecute whole areas of criminal violations because the prosecutors disagree with state or municipal laws. People are finally starting to rebel. In San Francisco, voters booted out Chesa Boudin. In Los Angeles, the county is banning observers from the vote-counting process on the George Gascon recall. And in Florida, Gov. Ron. DeSantis just fired State Attorney Andrew Warren for failing to carry out his duties as a prosecutor.

In a democratic republic, which is the operating system in America, the people get to choose which behaviors they want to have criminalized and which they do not. Their preferences are expressed via their elected representatives or via ballot initiatives. Either way, the resulting criminal laws represent the will and values of the people.

When a defendant comes into the criminal justice system, the prosecutor in the case is not a private citizen. Instead, he (or she) is an elected politician whose job is to put into effect the above-mentioned laws the people desired. To the extent the prosecutor has “prosecutorial discretion,” it is very limited: The prosecutor looks at matters on a case-by-case basis to determine whether, in a specific case, he has the resources to try the case and the evidence and supporting law to win the case.

Image: Governor Ron DeSantis (edited). Twitter screen grab.

What the prosecutor cannot do is decide that there are types of cases he doesn’t like and, therefore, will never prosecute. Doing that abrogates the legislative function, exceeding the prosecutor’s authority. I would argue, too, that it means that, by leaving citizens as prey to criminals committing acts the citizens wanted to be criminalized, the prosecutor is violating law-abiding citizens’ civil rights. Admittedly, I don’t have case authority for that last point, but I think it’s logical and I’d love to see it argued in court.

In Florida, for the past six years, Andrew Warren, who received money from one of the PACs that George Soros funds, has announced in advance that he will not prosecute specific categories of criminal activity because he personally disagrees with Florida’s law—in other words, he has abandoned his prosecutorial role and asserted for himself a legislative role.

To that end, over the years, Warren has announced that he will not prosecute people who could, in the future, be charged with criminally mutilating children in the name of so-called “gender-affirming healthcare”; refused to prosecute people who engaged in criminal activity vis-à-vis police if the police stopped them while they were walking or riding a bike; and that he will not prosecute people who have violated Florida laws limiting abortion.

Because a prosecutor is failing in his duty if he issues a blanket refusal to enforce the law and because the Florida Constitution specifically vests in the governor the authority to fire prosecutors (unlike other states that require legislative impeachment or voter recalls), DeSantis did something wonderful: He fired Andrew Warren.

I’ve embedded at the end of this post the Executive Order of Suspension, which says in long form what I summarized in short form. I’m also embedding here videos of interest.

First, DeSantis made a powerful statement today about firing Warren:

Second, Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue discusses how the Soros prosecutors are deliberately ignoring and perverting American law and explains how Gov. DeSantis’s actions are a great start to challenging this lawlessness:

Third, here’s Gov. DeSantis’s appearance on Tucker, during which the governor summarizes the principles at issue:

Fourth, here’s the complete, official Executive Order that DeSantis issued explaining his legal authority to fire Warren:

Florida Executive Order 22-176 Firing Andrew Warren by Andrea Widburg on Scribd

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