

Monday, August 1, 2022

Kamala Harris Says Recent Deaths From Flooding in Missouri and Kentucky Could Have Been Prevented if Congress Spent More Money to Fight Climate Change (VIDEO)

 You can't fix Stupid and she is at the top of the class!


Kamala Harris on Monday delivered remarks on the Biden Regime’s investments in climate change.

Harris traveled to Miami on Monday to announce $1 billion to states destroyed by recent floods.

A flash flood last week caused massive property damage in St Louis.

One man drowned in his car on Skinker Boulevard.

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Kentucky Governor Beshear said the death toll from floods in his state has risen to at least 37.

Kamala Harris on Monday suggested that the recent deaths in Missouri and Kentucky could have been prevented if Congress spent more money fighting climate change.

“For years we have debated the impacts of climate change on our country and our world and today we know…just watch the evening news and see that the time for debate has long passed,” said Harris.

“Climate change has become a climate crisis and a threat has now become a reality,” Harris added.

“In recent days, deadly floods have swept through Missouri and Kentucky washing away entire neighborhoods, leaving babies and children and it’s been reported four children from one family – so the devastation is real, the harm is real, the impact is real and we are witnessing it in real time,” she said.




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