

Monday, August 1, 2022

Police shoot and kill Afghan ‘refugee’ who charged at them with a knife screaming Islamic war cry: “Allahu Akbar” plus a part two

 One of Obama's buddies?

Rule number one; you don't attack the police when they are called to the scene you have created. 

Rule number two; you don't resist arrest.  

If you do either one of these I will lose no sleep of the outcome

A former Afghan interpreter resettled in California by the federal government was shot and killed last week after charging San Francisco police with a butcher knife and chanting “Allahu Akbar.” Of course, the media are quick to paint him as having “mental issues.”

KTVU  (h/t Marvin W) In bodycam footage, 41-year old Ajmal Amani can be seen rushing two police officers with a knife at a residential hotel in south San Francisco. The Afghan citizen can be clearly heard yelling the “Allahu Akbar” phrase in the bodycam, a phrase used by Islamic terrorists prior to and during an attack. Minutes earlier, police said Amani had the knife while threatening two hotel employees. They said he was also yelling and screaming.
Commander Paul Yep said Officer John Quinlan fired four rounds from his service weapon. Officer Danny De Leon Garcia fired his “less than lethal” bean-bag weapon. “As Mr. Amani closed the distance, officer 1 and officer 2 fired their respective weapons, striking Mr. Amani. Mr. Amani fell to the ground with the knife nearby him,” Yep said.  Amani died at the hospital. Authorities said they recovered a knife with a 6-inch blade.
San Francisco deputy public defender Scott Grant represented Amani in 2019, when he was accused of stabbing a park ranger. That case was dismissed through a mental-health diversion. 




“HOUSTON, we have a problem”

Is the Iranian regime recruiting child soldiers in Texas? The Islamic Education Center of Houston organized a group recitation – for Muslim child terrorists-in-training, aged 4 to 14 – of a song pledging allegiance to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini (infamous for his”Death to America, Death to Israel” chants).

Iranian State media airs video of Muslim kids in Houston Texas at Al Hadi-School swearing allegiance to the regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei. They sing “Don’t look at my young age” “I will be your soldier” “I make an oath. One day when you need me, I will be your martyr”



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