

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

'This is INTENTIONAL': Financial expert says Democrats are ruining economy 'on purpose’ — here's why

 Just like Obamacare aka "The Affordable care act" this Historical 'Inflation Reduction Act" is the  same Filthy Stinking Lie on any of their Garbage "Acts". Just like their "voting Reform act" they tried to pass, it would basically create a one party rule and we'd be Phucked!

They are really good at Lying to the American 

'Breadlines are a great way to meet people'

Former investment banker Carol Roth joined Glenn Beck on the radio program to answer his latest questions regarding the economy: Are we in a recession, despite what the White House claims? At what point do the Fed’s interest rate hikes become dangerous? And how are we expected to bring down inflation when interest rates continue to climb?

No matter what the White House says, the economy is not healthy, and spending billions of dollars on the "Inflation Reduction Act" won't fix inflation. The reality is that the Fed's tools can't fix the supply and demand imbalance "unless the Fed can stop printing money and start printing oil and printing food," Carol quipped. "But they're really focused on the demand side, not the supply side. What we need to be focused on is how do we get more supply in these key areas so that we balance out that from the supply side, not the demand side," she explained.

Carol emphasized that the "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," which is now backed by West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, will only make things worse —and the Democrats know it.

"[Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) came out and said it, [the Inflation Reduction Act] is Green New Deal Light. This is about spending more money on their climate hoax instead of fighting inflation. He put it out there, it's in a tweet ... they're saying the quiet part out loud. They don't care; this is what they're trying to do," she added.

"I'm calling it 'the Great Reset-sion,'" Carol said. "This is intentional. They are doing this to us on purpose."

Carol went on to explain what this all means for you and what's still to come. Watch the video clip below. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.



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