

Sunday, October 23, 2022

‘All the Way Up to Nine Months’: Democrats United in Abortion Extremism

 They want  gun control to stop people with Issues from murdering innocent people but are perfectly fine to murder babies up to birth.  These IDIOTS are really SICK and what's really sick is they think they can win an election on abortion? 

No limit soldiers: Dem candidates won't accept anything less than full-term abortion on demand

What's happening: Democratic candidates in this year's midterm elections do not support any limits on abortion.

• U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman and others have said so explicitly, while many have refused to give direct answers when asked.

• Democrats can't run on low prices and a strong economy. They are trying to inspire their base by stoking outrage at the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The party and its activist allies are flooding states and districts with ads accusing Republicans of wanting to throw women and their doctors in prison.

Why it matters: This is an extreme position.



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