

Monday, January 23, 2023

John Fetterman Makes Appearance On Don Lemon’s New Show And It’s As Bad As You’d Expect

 This Mindless Idiot sounds like Harris and has the mind like Biden and the people of Pennsylvania voted for this IDIOT and a dead man

Don Lemon is settling into his demotion quite nicely, it would seem. At least, that’s the appearance one gets by observing just five seconds. He hasn’t lost his panache for whipping up fake frenzies or fear-mongering over peoples’ basic rights to exist. 

He also hasn’t stopped pushing the radical leftist agenda. By all measures, Don Lemon in the morning is the exact same thing as Don Lemon in prime time. The good news for the rest of us is that Lemon will continue providing clips and soundbites of unadulterated delusions.

In one such clip, Demoted Don invited Caveman Fetterman onto his show. It’s hard enough to imagine there’s an audience out there that thinks to themselves, “Gee, I just woke up and I want to hear from Don Lemon is saying!” It’s even harder to imagine people ever wake up and think to themselves, “Gee, what insightful commentary can I glean from listening to John Fetterman stutter and stammer!”

But the same could be said about CNN in general, so here we are.

Captioning their tweet “The dumbest person in cable news interviews a brain damaged senate candidate. Painful to watch,” one user posted this absolutely unbearable exchange between the faux-serious host asking the faux-serious Senate candidate his thoughts on Elon Musk owning Twitter.

If you thought it’d be bad, you were right. If you thought it’d be this bad, well, buckle up:


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