

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Abe Hamadeh Discusses Arizona Election Lawsuit, Says Inspection Of Provisional Ballots Shows He Won (AUDIO)



Abe Hamadeh revealed earlier this week that his team has gone through uncounted provisional ballots from the rigged 2022 Election and discovered enough legitimate but suppressed votes to overturn the election for Attorney General!

Hamadeh’s race was decided by 280 votes after a “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes was discovered in rural Pinal County’s recount results.

Abe says that 5000 or more provisional ballots were not counted, but many should been. Abe also said that voter registrations were inexplicably canceled, causing potentially legal votes not to be counted.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Abe Hamadeh filed a ‘Motion for New Trial’ in the Mohave County Superior Court after the Pinal County recount discrepancies were discovered. Katie Hobbs and Kris Mayes previously hid the discovery of new votes in Pinal County from the Judge in Abe’s first trial.

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Abe Hamadeh is asking the judge for a statewide ballot inspection.

Read the latest update on Abe’s trial here!

They hid the results so that the new Democratic fraud regime could be installed without challenge.

Additionally,  The Gateway Pundit reported on a bombshell presentation in the Arizona Senate Elections Committee by We The People AZ Alliance that revealed an estimated 8,327+ voters did not cast ballots due to tabulator failures and long lines caused by intentional sabotage of Republican voters in Maricopa County. It is “provable,” said presenter Shelby Busch, that 2,572 voters did not get to cast a ballot on election day. This discrepancy is at least nine times the margin of victory in Abe Hamadeh’s race.

Tucson radio host Garret Lewis tweeted the bombshell update from Abe Hamadeh.

Listen to the full radio segment below.

Hamadeh’s race is also brought into question by tabulator misreads and recorded undervotes.

Hamadeh attorney and former Assistant Arizona Attorney General Jen Wright highlighted the questionably high undervote reporting in three Counties, including Maricopa County, where tabulator and printer failures targeted 59% of Republican voters.

Abe Hamadeh joined Garret Lewis on Monday to give this major update.

Lewis: Are you confident those provisional ballots, if a judge says, yes, count, these ones that weren’t counted. Are you confident that those will be considered, I guess, legal and valid?

Hamadeh: Throughout the state, there’s about 5000+ uncounted ballots provisional ballots. And yes, there are some that legitimately should not count, and there are some that registered to vote after the registration deadline. There are some who may have already voted by mail, and then they attempted to go, and they voted in person, so they’re getting provisionals, so those should not count. So out of that number, 5000+ provisional ballots, our team has gone in and looked because there’s also a classification of people whose vote history, their voter registration now says it’s a canceled voter registration. And you know, that was a little unusual. So, we took a deep dive into that with the Republican National Committee. They’ve been really great to us, by the way bringing data people to us. So they looked at those people whose registrations were somehow canceled, which is unusual. They’re canceled, and yet here they are, attempting to vote. So we looked at those, and the peoples’ whose registrations were canceled, some of these people voted in August. Some of these people voted in 2020. Some of these people voted in 2018. Their registration statutorily cannot be canceled unless they actually go in and try to cancel it themselves. So, it’s very suspicious, and, you know, I tell people all the time, government is fallible. I mean, these are the same people who run our post offices. These are the same people who run the MVD. And these are the same people if you remember back in October when Secretary of State Hobbs said 6,000 erroneous ballots that were federal only ballots if you remember that.


From The Morning Ritual With Garret Lewis:

Starting at the 3:15 mark:

Hamadeh: They mislead the Court. They misled us. We didn’t have that evidence available to us even though Secretary of State Hobbs did. So basically, the recount results were released the weekend prior to the inauguration. And they did that purposely, Garret they wanted to basically have the recount results, and it confirmed Kris won at the time, and they swore her in. But no, there is so many problems, and you know, I don’t say this lightly, Garret. You know, I’m a pretty measured person.

My team is going through the provisional ballots, the ones that are uncounted, and we have more votes than Kris Mayes, and she knows it. Now, it’s a matter of getting it counted, and we have to get it. So, what we’ve done right now is we’ve filed a motion for a new trial, and it’s going to be in the Judge’s hands at this point. We just filed a reply to their response for the Motion for New Trial just today. So it’s going to be in the Judge’s hands to whether to grant a new trial or not. And honestly, they’re at 511 votes is already the closest race in Arizona history. At 280, it’s even closer, but given that 280 number, but also the anomalies, and given that Secretary of State Hobbs at the time withheld critical exculpatory evidence, you know this, if this doesn’t warrant a new trial, I don’t know what the hell ever will.

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on the fight to save Arizona.


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