For months the media warned about a worldwide disaster if the Republicans didn't cave on the debt ceiling. Basically, they regurgitated Democrat talking points as they always do. It was always an exaggerated crisis.
Now, they have started warning about a government shutdown. Isn't it great that government shutdowns are always Republicans' fault.
Government shutdown warnings rise as Republicans seek deeper cuts in budget battle
The most consequential move of the week, however, was an announcement from GOP leadership that arrived with little fanfare. Republicans said they plan to pursue appropriations bills, which fund government programs and agencies, with less spending than the top-line numbers they agreed to in a deal with the White House last month
In 2013, Republicans were blamed because they wanted a couple of changes to Obamacare funding and the Democrats didn't like them. But it was the Democrats who wouldn't pass the bi-partisan house bill. So why wasn't the shutdown both parties' fault or of the Democrats alone?
The latest House bill, passed early Sunday by a near party-line vote of 231-192, sent back to the Senate two major changes: a one-year delay of key provisions of the health insurance law and repeal of a new tax on medical devices that partially funds it. The steps still go too far for the White House and its Democratic allies.
In 2015, The Democrats were willing to shut down the entire government if their rich political supporters, Planned Parenthood, didn't get their annual over $500 million kickback. But according to Politico, that was a Republican Debacle.
How Planned Parenthood could shut down the government
It’s a potentially ominous sign for GOP leaders desperate to avoid another shutdown debacle.
The longest shutdown in history occurred because Democrats wouldn't approve border wall funding to help enforce immigration laws. Somehow, they called building a wall for $5 billion expensive, ineffective, and immoral. It has been obvious for a long time that Democrats don't care about protecting America and enforcing laws that Congress passed.
What you won't find in these articles is the media blaming Democrats for the shutdowns. At least the media sort of split the blame on this shutdown.
The top Democratic leaders in Congress issued a joint statement accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos" on Christmas Eve.
"The stock market is tanking and the president is waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve – after he just fired the Secretary of Defense," Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker-nominee Nancy Pelosi said in statement after Trump posted his 10th tweet of the day. “Instead of bringing certainty into people’s lives, he’s continuing the Trump Shutdown just to please right-wing radio and TV hosts."
Democratic lawmakers have blasted Trump's proposed wall as expensive, ineffective and immoral.
Does anyone spot a pattern?
The shutdown in 2013 occurred because Democrats didn't get everything they wanted on Obamacare and it was blamed on Republicans.
The shutdown in 2015 occurred because Democrats couldn't get the annual kickback to Planned Parenthood and it was blamed on Republicans
The shutdown in 2018 occurred because the Democrats wanted to block funding to secure the border and protect the American people and somehow Democrats weren't completely responsible.
And if Democrats don't get the spending they want this year, the media is already pre-blaming Republicans because Republicans want some minor budget cuts over ten years while the media and other Democrats continue to want unrestrained spending.
It has been clear for a long time that most of the media are essentially campaign workers for Democrats and their big government policies with more regulations, higher taxes, and more power for the greedy government, as long as it is run by Democrats. This had been occurring long before Trump came along.
If they are able to dispose of Trump, they will just seek to destroy the next Republican contenders, whoever they are and how many lies they have to tell. It doesn't matter if they are a black man named Tim Scott or a minority woman named Nikki Haley. After all, they were able to destroy Republican squish Mitt Romney by saying he was a rich man who didn't care about the poor and spreading the lie that he didn't pay taxes for ten years.
Meanwhile, if you are a corrupt criminal named Hillary or Joe, you can mishandle as many classified documents as you want and line your pockets with huge kickbacks and not only won't the media care, they will collude with corrupt Justice officials and other Democrats to hide the truth from the public. Hillary and Joe are essentially above the law.
And it doesn't matter what the issue is, most of the media will reflexively support Democrats no matter how unpopular their policies are.
- Budgets
- Taxes
- Regulations
- Health care
- Immigration
- Lawless sanctuary cities and states
- Blocking school choice
- Abortion on demand at all stages of pregnancy, no matter how viable the child is.
- Gender changes for children, even without parental permission
- Men competing with women in sports
- Men exposing themselves in women’s facilities
- Forcing people to take vaccines or get fired
- Making people buy electric cars
- Having a goal to destroy companies that provide reasonably priced energy.
And as they take away choice on almost everything and dictatorially tell people and businesses what to do, the media and other Democrats falsely claim Trump and other Republicans are the authoritarians.
Journalists who are so one-sided and intentionally hide the corruption of Democrats are dangerous to our great country and certainly do not care about free and fair elections. They interfere every day more than the Russians and Chinese have ever done.
Another thing most media outlets do is try to destroy media outlets who don't go along like Fox News, Newsmax, Bretbart, and Twitter under Elon Musk.
It is a shame. Journalism used to be an honorable profession that thrived on rooting out corruption and competition. Now, most of them just repeat talking points pushing the leftist agenda to remake, weaken, and destroy America.
The choice gets easier every day, The people must fight against the massive leftist cabal.
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