

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Communists Out of the Closet

 Longtime AT readers will remember my viral 2008 article: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. That article described the Cloward-Piven Crisis strategy that Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, two radical Columbia University professors, dreamed up. Their first target was the welfare system. They hoped that signing up every person eligible for every public service would overwhelm the system and cause its collapse. In the ashes, they would then suggest the solution: a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. (Note that such proposals have been added to Biden spending bills but were stripped out). They went on to target voting and were the authors of the National Voter Registration Act (i.e., Motor Voter). That law made voter roll maintenance much harder while making non-citizen voting much easier.

Since then, the Crisis strategy has expanded into virtually every area of our lives. Almost everything we are witnessing in our nation today is part of it. From tidal waves of illegal immigration (don’t call them “migrants,” which is leftist terminology; they are illegal aliens), the fentanyl crisis, suicides at record numbers (especially among the young and members of the military), to the war on energy, the war on morality and sexuality, the War on White America and the War on Black America (yes there is one of those too)—everywhere you turn the Left has put our nation at war with itself, with the ultimate goal of overwhelming it to the point that the entire society degenerates into chaos and civil war. That end goal will provide the pretext for the powers that be to declare martial law, seize our guns and take over by force if necessary.

Image by AI.

All of this (and more) is outlined in my recently published book, Manufactured Crisis: The War to End AmericaIt catalogs over 100 years of attacks on our nation by the radical Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat Party. 

This is a deliberate strategy that has been refined and enhanced since Karl Marx first outlined it in the Communist Manifesto. Before he even wrote Manifesto, he said, “The proclamation of ready-made solutions for all time is not our affair…” This directly contradicts his professed goals stated in the Manifesto to save the “workers of the world.”

Marx was more honest, though, in that early statement. He concluded that “…we realize all the more fully what we have to accomplish in the present. I am talking about a ruthless criticism of everything existing.” His true goal was to attack every aspect of Western culture. He added, “The criticism must not be afraid of its own conclusions, nor of conflict with the powers that be.”

Doesn’t that sound familiar now? Yes, of course it does. Marx’s appeal to his followers inspired the creation of Critical Theory, which was intended to criticize every aspect of Western civilization—essentially shaming us into hating our country. It’s worked pretty well, hasn’t it? In 1937, communist professors at Columbia University’s Teacher’s College introduced “Critical Theory” in an essay titled Traditional and Critical Theory. Having fled Frankfurt, Germany’s Marxist School for Social Research in 1933 to escape Hitler, some of these professors were relocated to Columbia Teacher’s College through the good offices of then-NEA president John Dewey and a young leftist, Edward R. Murrow, later to become the world-famous CBS News anchor.

Today there are numerous downstream critical theories, the most well-known of which is Critical Race Theory (CRT), invented by Harvard professor Derrick Bell—Obama’s favorite teacher. But there is also Critical Legal Theory, Critical Pedagogy, Feminist Legal Criticism, Latino Critical Legal Theory, Critical Race Feminism, Critical White Studies, and on and on. The idea is to dissect our society into smaller and smaller pieces that can be attacked individually and destroyed.

And while this growing attack on our culture and traditions has created its own set of crises, leftists, i.e. the Democrats, have been rigging our nation for failure on virtually every front. For example, instead of training warriors, our Defense Department focuses on celebrating Pride Month and seeking diversity, equity, and inclusion—codewords for Cultural Marxism. Marxism is even being taught to military officers, as described in Air Force officer Matthew Lohmeier’s book, Irresistible Revolution.

While Democrats most obviously flung open the border to give themselves a new voting base, they needn’t wait until those illegal aliens are made legal through amnesty and an easy path to citizenship. Instead, there is a little-known provision in federal law that will not penalize non-citizens for voting if, at the time, they thought they were US citizens! (Title 18 U.S.C. Section 611 (c)3). How does one adjudicate someone’s frame of mind in that case? Of course, you can’t. Who will find those ballots and dispose of them? Not the Democrats.

But the open border has facilitated numerous other crises—for example, the fentanyl overdose epidemic, which is killing hundreds of thousands of American youths, flooding our cities and schools with overwhelming burdens, packing the welfare rolls with illegals, and bringing in tens of thousands of criminals, terrorists, and, likely, many covert military operatives. The Democrats couldn’t care less about how these problems affect Americans, as they demonstrate over and over again by refusing to enforce laws on the books and voting down any provisions in law that address the problems.

Democrats aren’t even hiding it anymore. The communists have come fully out of the closet.

There is nothing new here. This agenda is as old as the Communist Party itself. After overthrowing the Russian government to create the Soviet Union, Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin is alleged to have said:

Deepen the contradictions [i.e., exaggerate, exacerbate existing crises, problems, social and ethnic differences and disparities, opinion discrepancies, rifts, etc.], and if they don’t exist, create them or, if you can’t create them, convincingly claim that they exist, and then deepen them, and in the process, profit the most from them in any way you can—politically, ideologically [and financially, to bankroll the Left] and, in the resulting chaos, blame our enemies for the whole mayhem, and finally, come up with ‘solutions’ that will favor us, and that will be the root of new future crises to be exploited in the future, and so on, until the targeted capitalist society is destroyed completely, to then build—under Bolshevik supervision and control—a socialist society en route to communism.

The upcoming election is the most important in our nation’s history. We had a short reprieve in 2016 when President Trump put America back on track, but he was cheated out of a second term. After almost four years of Biden/Harris we are hanging by a thread. If the Democrats win in November (legally or otherwise), it will be all over.

Be clear on this: we are witnessing an attempted Communist overthrow of our great nation. Vote and help get others out to vote as if your life depended on it because it does. If Christians had voted in greater numbers in 2020, we could have overwhelmed the steal. We will need more this time around because the Democrats are registering illegals and millions of non-Americans overseas!

Christians have no excuse not to vote and, when they do so, they must vote for Donald J. Trump. His election will give us four more years to begin the arduous process of rebuilding our nation—ravaged by the Left for over a century, as described in Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America.





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