

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Liberal idiots in Washington Is going to attack!

I still have no respect for any Liberal ass that will be talking down about Paul Ryan. Remember everything the GOP does will kill somebody according to them. They are IDIOTS!! They have done NOTHING to reform the Tax code or Entitlements! I guess because the more people they keep on it they think they will get their votes. i personally would rather work than get a steady check for not working. When you work you get overtime and or raises and naturally earn more money. There are also other benefits that could come with employment. So I am for Romney/Paul because as a Team they will accomplish more than Obama/Biden on the ECONOMY. Obama;s tax the rich crap will not pay any of the bills they say that it will. What is it , the taxes so called from the Rich will keep the Government running for 28 days. Ryan can be huge, but will be told his plan will kill people and throw them over a cliff.  Well if we don't get reform these entitlements WONT be here!

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