

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


This shows how the dirtbags that run the media villified this guy in order to protect  Our Liar in Chif Obama, without doing their jobs like they should have!

Jack Welch and Barack Obama

Chicago is known as a political cesspool. From Al Capone, to Rahm ‘Dead Fish’ Emanuel, to Mayor Daley, it is a town that reeks of corruption and anyone who emerges, and especially the case of Barack Obama rises quickly, as a leading force in that political arena should be met with high speculation. After all, a rise to prominence in Chicago means one thing – you are tainted, a dirty player who will do anything and everything to obtain and remain in power.
In the case of Barack Obama, Americans were led to believe that he was different. They were led to believe that he was a reformer, a centrist, an optimist as pure as the driven snow. He wasn’t tainted by Chicago politics; he rose above it. However, five years of his presidency has demonstrated that to be absolutely false; yet another fabricated lie in an attempt to mischaracterize the ‘storied life’ of Barack Obama.
One thing that is abundantly clear is this – in Barack Obama, we have a classic Chicago-style politician in the White House. Cross him, and you’ll pay dearly. Criticize him publicly and your punishment will be even worse. You will be attacked, demeaned, harassed, and intimidated with one goal in mind – to destroy you, your credibility and quite possibly your livelihood.
As the 2012 election was unfolding, one man faced the wrath of the Obama Administration and his sycophants for questioning the implausible drop in unemployment numbers from 8.1% in August 2012 to 7.8% in September.
Welch Tweet
Welch’s tweet unleashed a firestorm of criticism with numerous accusations of him being a ‘conspiracy theorist.’ CNN attacked Welch’s hiring history claiming that Obama’s record on jobs trounced that of Welch. The site Tech Crunch deemed Welch a crazy, accusing him of inspiring a ‘web-wide Obama conspiracy’. In response to Welch’s statement, then Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said,
“This is a methodology that’s been used for decades. And it is insulting when you hear people just cavalierly say that somehow we’re manipulating numbers.”
There was nothing ‘cavalier’ about Welch’s statement. A highly successful businessman who served as chairman and CEO of GE for 20 years, Welch simply understood that such a drop in numbers, given the reality of what was happening in the actual economy throughout the country, was simply not feasible.
In an Op-Ed published in the Wall Street Journal, entitled “I Was Right About That Strange Jobs Report” one week after his tweet, Welch went further in his analysis.
The possibility of subjectivity creeping into the process is so pervasive that the BLS’s own “Handbook of Methods” has a full page explaining the limitations of its data, including how non-sampling errors get made, from “misinterpretation of the questions” to “errors made in the estimations of missing data.”
Bottom line: To suggest that the input to the BLS data-collection system is precise and bias-free is—well, let’s just say, overstated.
Even if the BLS had a perfect process, the context surrounding the 7.8% figure still bears serious skepticism. Consider the following:
In August, the labor-force participation rate in the U.S. dropped to 63.5%, the lowest since September 1981. By definition, fewer people in the workforce leads to better unemployment numbers. That’s why the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1% in August from 8.3% in July.
Meanwhile, we’re told in the BLS report that in the months of August and September, federal, state and local governments added 602,000 workers to their payrolls, the largest two-month increase in more than 20 years. And the BLS tells us that, overall, 873,000 workers were added in September, the largest one-month increase since 1983, during the booming Reagan recovery.
These three statistics—the labor-force participation rate, the growth in government workers, and overall job growth, all multidecade records achieved over the past two months—have to raise some eyebrows. There were no economists, liberal or conservative, predicting that unemployment in September would drop below 8%.
I know I’m not the only person hearing these numbers and saying, “Really? If all that’s true, why are so many people I know still having such a hard time finding work? Why do I keep hearing about local, state and federal cutbacks?”
Welch, indeed, doubled down on his belief that the jobs numbers had been manipulated in order to get the unemployment figures below 8%. If you are wondering what is so magical about a dip below 8%, then consider this. No president has ever been re-elected with a national unemployment number above 8%. The Obama Regime had to create the false perception that the economy was improving, just like they created the false perception of the safety of Americans against terrorism and covered up the reality of al Qaeda’s activities following the terrorist attack at Benghazi by perpetuating the lie that the attack wasn’t terrorism at all, but instead was the result of a little scene YouTube video.
Despite the lie perpetuated that Obama rose above the dirty politics of Chicago, in effect, his career is the pièce de résistance of corrupt Chicago-style politics. With one of their own in the White House, the Chicago political machine could exert its power, influence, and intimidation on an entire nation rather than just a city. John Fund, of the National Review, delved into that reality with his article “Obama’s Chicago Way”.
The Daley machine, which evolved over 60 years from a patronage-rich army of worker bees into a corporate state in which political pull and public-employee unions dominate, has left its imprint on Obama. The machine’s core principle, laid out in an illuminating Chicago Independent Examiner primer on “the Chicago Way,” is that at all times elections are too important to be left to chance. John Kass, the muckraking columnist for the Chicago Tribune who for years has warned that Obama was bringing “the Chicago way” to Washington, sums up his city like this: “Once there were old bosses. Now there are new bosses. And shopkeepers still keep their mouths shut. Tavern owners still keep their mouths shut. Even billionaires keep their mouths shut.”
Yesterday, Jack Welch was redeemed as the groundwork is laid once again for Barack Obama’s presidency to answer questions surrounding yet another scandal. In adhering to the Daley premise to ‘never leave an election to chance’, the Census Bureau did indeed fake the jobs numbers of September 2012. Days after Obama admitted that he has to win the trust of the America people once more following his lies surrounding the selling of ObamaCare, Americans learn once more that their president lied in order to retain power and steal the election of 2012.

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