

Friday, February 14, 2014

Limbaugh: Obama’s Goal is Socialism… Not Healthcare

As Obamacare continues to fail to do what it was “supposed” to do and millions lose their insurance and their jobs, we’re seeing what the authors’ true intentions were when writing this law.
The endgame of Obamacare was never giving people healthcare, as 90% of those enrolled already had insurance.  The ultimate goal was to destroy the Republic and usher in socialism.
David Limbaugh, in a hard-hitting new column, echoes what we’ve previously heard from Allen West and Charles Krauthammer about what Obama’s hidden goal was in passing the Affordable Care Act.
Limbaugh argues that Obama and the Democrats have purposely conflated access to care and insurance coverage (which aren’t necessarily the same thing) to sell the law because people like the idea of having health insurance, whether it means they have access or not.
According to Democrats, the only metric of any healthcare policy proposal is this: “How many does it insure?”  At least that’s what they’re telling you, because it resonates well with voters.  But they’re hiding the fact that the truly important metrics in our healthcare system – quality of care, access, cost and choice – aren’t in Obamacare’s favor.
The result of all this is that the healthcare system goes down the drain, and the Democrats begin their push toward single-payer, because they’ll say that their “modest” reform efforts didn’t work.  Obamacare was just a vehicle for socialized medicine all along.
Limbaugh lists some recent examples of how you can see this scenario playing out,via The Washington Examiner:
The Wall Street Journal reports that insurers are facing pressure from regulators and lawmakers about Obamacare plans that offer limited choices of doctors and hospitals. Many of the top doctors aren’t included. This goes to access, choice and quality of care, and it was wholly foreseeable.
The blog “Legal Insurrection” notes that “the reimbursement rates are so low for hospitals that even major research hospitals … are refusing to participate in any of the state health exchange plans unless reimbursement rates are renegotiated.”
Bloomberg reports that at least six states and counties from Maryland toOregon are getting inmates coverage under Obamacare and its Medicaid expansion. Swell — more than $6.5 billion in annual state costs for treating prisoners will be shifted to the federal government.
The Hill reports that a National Small Business Association study found that a doubling of health care costs is preventing many companies from growing.
Columnist John Podhoretz details the “risible” counterattacks that desperate Obamacare supporters are making against those who have cited theCongressional Budget Office‘s finding that Obamacare will cause the equivalent of more than 2 million people losing their jobs.
Stateline, the daily news service of The Pew Charitable Trusts, alarmingly reports that medical identity theft has risen sharply and that Obamacare and legitimate concerns over its insecure website have “raised the stakes” and made this very serious matter even more of a concern.
The Washington Examiner reports, “There is strong new evidence to suggest the administration’s claims (that more than 9 million Americans have signed up for coverage under Obamacare or Medicaid) are grossly exaggerated and deeply misleading.” Great — just another major issue on which the administration is deceiving the American people.
The Los Angeles Times reveals that even after we are beyond some of the Obamacare website glitches and long waits to get signed up, “some patients are now running into frustrating new roadblocks at the doctor’s office. … People are having trouble finding doctors at all, getting faulty information on which ones are covered and receiving little help from insurers swamped by newbusiness.” Though these problems were predicted, their severity is taking patients and doctors by surprise and frustrating all involved.
When you put the pieces together, it all makes sense.  Obamacare was just the first step down the road to socialism.  The problems that have arisen from the Affordable Care Act were blatantly obvious and were pointed out when the law was being debated in Congress, but they were ignored and the bill was passed anyway.  That’s because the Democrats knew this and wanted it to happen so they could get a full government takeover of the healthcare system.
It’s incredibly important that this law is repealed immediately.  We’ve got to get the word out about Obamacare’s goal before it’s too late.  You can help by sharing this article on Facebook and Twitter.


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