

Sunday, January 7, 2018

BUSTED! Liberal CNN Hack Ana Navarro Caught Editing Photo to Trash POTUS Trump

Another Worthless Piece of Shit On CNN Editing to create a LIE (fake news)

CNN Anti-Trump Hack is BUSTED!

Liberal CNN Hack Ana Navarro Caught Editing Photo to Trash POTUS Trump

And Ana Navarro is reportedly the REPUBLICAN contributor at CNN!
On Sunday morning Ana Navarro – a Hillary Clinton supporter – ripped President Trump and Republicans in a racist and sexist tweet.
Navarro attacked the “orangey” hues of President Trump and accused him of only meeting with “10 old straight white men” at Camp David.
But then this happened…

The original photo was discovered and contains a woman.

Navarro edited out the woman in the photo to attack Trump.

The only person Navarro cropped out was the woman.


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