

Sunday, January 7, 2018

FIREWORKS! Stephen Miller DESTROYS Hack Jake Tapper on CNN – Tapper Cuts Him to Commercial! (VIDEO)

Brilliant White House advisor Stephen Miller joined Jake Tapper on Sunday morning.

Miller DESTROYED the CNN host.

It got so bad Tapper cut off the segment and went to commercials.
Stephen Miller: The book is best understood as a work of very poorly written fiction. I will also say the author is a garbage author of a garbage book… I saw a man (Trump) who was a political genius… I know it brings you a lot of joy to stick the knife in. The reality is that page after page after page of the book is pure false. I see sections of the book where events I participated in are described as and I have firsthand knowledge that as they are described they are completely and totally fraudulent.
Even President Trump was impressed with the thumping.
Tapper lashed out at Miller for “Wasting his time” then cut to commercial.

Then below you have that Nasty Skank Pelosi crying Racism AGAIN! That's what Liberals do! They are Idiots! She needs to retire
Brilliant White House advisor Stephen Miller absolutely annihilated CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning in a debate about Michael Wolff’s book ‘Fire and Fury’.
It got so bad Tapper cut off the segment and went to commercials.

Since liberals can’t debate facts, they resort to labeling Trump and his allies as white supremacists and Nazis.
On Sunday, Nancy Pelosi immediately attacked Stephen Miller, calling him a “white supremacist” who deserves to be fired.
Nancy Pelosi’s political team tweeted, “The bigoted world view that Bannon pushed remains at the WH. White supremacists still have the ear of Trump and are shaping national policy through their hate-filled lenses. Yes, that means Stephen Miller who must be removed.”
Trump supporters responded to team Pelosi’s attack.

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