

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Tweet of the Day: Cenk Uygur asks, ‘Why do Republicans and @realDonaldTrump hate cops?’

Another Liberal Progressive Socialist Dirt bag Not engaging  his Brain

Image result for Cenk Uygur

It was only a matter of time before some member of the so-called mainstream media “went there,” asking this utterly preposterous rhetorical question in one form or another.
The trigger, of course, is the release of the dreaded Nunes FISA memo, which — kindly note — implicates precisely five (count ’em, five) current or former FBI or Justice Department higher-ups: Former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
What do these five people have in common? All filed one or more FISA applications targeting Carter Page.
In other words, Republicans aren’t going after the entire FBI or Justice Department — just specific individuals believed to have obtained permission under false pretenses to spy on the Trump campaign.
But you’d never know that, judging from the accusations Democrats have leveled against the GOP and the White House, which include this tweet by “Young Turk” Cenk Uygur:
Naturally, Uygur couldn’t be more wrong.  But hey, it’s the liberal media…
Twitter users didn’t appreciate Uygur’s false claim:
And on it goes from there.
Keep in mind, if you will, that it was Uygur’s side of the political aisle that prompted chants like this during the previous administration:
You get the idea…

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