

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Democrat Darling Alec Baldwin Hurls Another Gay Slur at Reporter: “C-ck-Sucking Fag!”

It seems the left is just so angry all the time. Maybe it's a rare illness?

The tolerant left strikes again!
Democrat darling and unhinged actor Alec Baldwin chased off reporters on Saturday morning from outside his apartment calling one of them a “c*ck-sucking fag!”

Alec demonstrates his tolerance during a previous encounter with the press.
Baldwin has a long history of hurling homophobic slurs at strangers.
Baldwin will likely get a pass for his intolerant attacks just as Mika Brzezinski did earlier this week when SHE accused Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of being a “wannabe dictator’s butt boy.”
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The hypocrisy on the left never ends.
The Intelligencer reported:
Outside his apartment this morning, Alec Baldwin and his family were swarmed by paparazzi, as they often are. Baldwin became irate and chased them away, as he often does. Then he directed a gay slur at one of them — in this case, ”cock-sucking fag” — as he often does.
In 1992, Baldwin called a horse-drawn-carriage driver a “faggot” for supporting the expansion of carriage rides outside of Central Park. In September of 2011, Baldwin referred to a Starbucks barista as an “uptight queen.” In June of 2012, Baldwin called Daily News editor-in-chief Colin Myler an “English Queen.” In June of 2013, Baldwin called Daily Mail journalist George Stark a “toxic little queen” who would “dig it” if Baldwin stuck his foot up his ass.
Baldwin will probably apologize for his latest bout of gay-slur Tourettes. He may point to his advocacy on behalf of marriage equality and insist that calling someone a fag has nothing to do with homophobia. And sure, we’d bet that Baldwin doesn’t actually have anything against gay people. But he obviously does have a troubling knee-jerk tendency to use homophobic slurs when he gets angry.
Via Mike Cernovich:


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