

Saturday, December 15, 2018

President Trump Gives Shout Out to Bill Kristol and Weekly Standard — After Its Collapse

This is an anti Trumper I feel so sympathy for. Like Glenn Beck, they were responsible for there own demise

It appears our president is not a huge Bill Kristol fan?
President Trump gave a shout out to The Weekly Standard after it shuttered its doors on Friday.
The pathetic and dishonest Weekly Standard, run by failed prognosticator Bill Kristol (who, like many others, never had a clue), is flat broke and out of business. Too bad. May it rest in peace!

It’s not the first time President Trump has attacked Bill Kristol and the Weekly Standard.
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“He’s a real lightweight.”
The Weekly Standard did not like Donald Trump.
The Weekly Standard did not like Donald Trump supporters

The Weekly Standard shut its doors on Friday.



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