

Saturday, December 1, 2018

It Is Obvious: The US Has a Two-Tiered Legal System- Anyone Who Opposes to the Democrat Deep State Cabal is No Longer Protected by the Law

Today Americans are praying they are not on the wrong side of the law. The problem is the wrong side of the law is not based on the law but rather on which political party you are connected to.

Tucker Carlson shared last night how the US now has a two-tiered legal system today.  Those who are part of the corrupt establishment and everybody else.
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The $40 million tax payer funded criminal Mueller witch hunt continues in spite of its unconstitutionality and criminality.  Mueller and his Deep State gangsters continue in their efforts to remove President Trump from the White House.  At the same time these criminals protect the crooks from the Clinton and Obama administrations.
Ordinary Americans are outraged as they watch the collusion from the Deep State’s friends in the media promoting the biggest criminal sham in history.  The Mueller investigation continues while Americans’ lives are destroyed by this vicious and disgusting gang.
Good honest Americans have had enough.  We will not stand back and allow a gang of Democrat criminals destroy our country!

President Trump – Please Do Something Now Before Democrats Drive This Country to Mass Violence and Lawlessness!

Gateway Pundit Poll: Should Hillary Be In Jail?


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