

Saturday, December 1, 2018

LATEST MUELLER BULLSH*T: WaPo Lies and Says Trump “Lieutenants” Made Outreach to Russia and Wikileaks — COMPLETE TRASH REPORTING

The Washington Post — international leaders of Fake News — published another leak from the criminal Mueller gang packed full of lies.

Will Facebook block this Fake News story?
Or will this be allowed to spread across the internet while conservative websites are punished for posting the TRUTH?
The Washington Post claimed tonight that President Trump’s “lieutenants” made contact with Wikileaks and Russian officials.
This is absolutely false.
If the Washington Post was talking about Roger Stone or Jerome Corsi — they were hardly lieutenants and did not have ANY CONT ACT with Russian officials or Wikileaks.
If the Washington Post was talking about Paul Manafort meeting with Assange — that junk report was found fraudulent within an hour of publication and Paul Manafort NEVER traveled to the UK in any of the listed years in the report.
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The Washington Post and the Mueller criminal gang is also accusing President Trump of discussing a Trump Tower in Moscow that never happened.
The Washington Post REALLY is the most fraudulent publication in the US today. Day after Day the Washington Post pumps conspiracies and inaccuracies on the American public.
What a disgrace.
Mueller leaked this latest crap sandwich to the Washington Post tonight.
New evidence from two separate fronts of special counsel Robert Mueller III’s investigation casts fresh doubts on Trump’s version of key events involving Russia, signaling potential political and legal peril for the president. Investigators have now publicly cast Trump as a central figure of their probe into whether Trump’s campaign conspired with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign.
Together, the documents show investigators have evidence that Trump was in close contact with his lieutenants as they made outreach to both Russia and WikiLeaks – and that they tried to conceal the extent of their activities.
On Thursday, Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress when he insisted that Trump was not pursuing plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow after January 2016, casting Trump’s repeated claims that he had no business interests in Russia in a new light. A draft special counsel document revealed Tuesday also indicates that prosecutors are closely scrutinizing Trump’s interactions with a longtime adviser, Roger Stone, as he was seeking information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release hacked Democratic emails.
Legal experts said it’s still unclear how much peril the president might face as a result of the new evidence Mueller has gathered about the Moscow project and WikiLeaks, but his prominence in the prosecutors’ papers puts the president in an awkward starring role.
“It’s deeply troubling. It’s not a place that anybody wants to be, or where you would want your friends or family to be,” former federal prosecutor Glen Kopp said. “And it’s certainly not a place that you would want your president to be.”



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