

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Leftists jumping up and down about Cloward-Piven's dawn after judge's Obamacare ruling

Well, well, well ... in the wake of the Texas judge's ruling striking down Obamacare as unconstitutional, what have we here?
Hipster commentator Ezra Klein, who founded Vox.com, is not crying, he's crowing.
But nearly a decade of constant and cynical assault on what was supposed to be a compromise bill has pushed the Democratic Party left on health care policy, and persuaded Democrats everywhere that trying to compromise or placate Republicans is foolish. The legacy of the GOP’s Obamacare repeal strategy won’t be the Affordable Care Act’s destruction, but Medicare-for-all’s construction.
This is doubly true if Republicans somehow succeed in this case. Imagine a world where Judge O’Connor’s ruling is upheld. In that world, a Republican judge cuts tens of millions of people off health insurance mere weeks after Republicans lost a midterm election for merely trying to cut those people off health insurance. The aftermath of that would be a political massacre for the GOP, and a straightforward mandate for Democrats to rebuild the health system along the lines they prefer.
In other words, the charges from Republicans that the whole Obamacare setup was really a Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy the health care system of the U.S. and install a socialist single payer alternative, where the state would choose your doctor and your doctor would become a bureaucrat at its service, were true all along.

Just as James Woods tweeted back in 2017:

And just as Democrats had earlier forecast would happen, as here.
Nevertheless, Democrats yelled and screamed that Republicans were all in for conspiracy-mongering by making that charge, and President Obama repeatedly tried to assure that "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" as a means of insisting that his Obamacare was no socialist scheme to take over all health care. Now, the mask is off, and Democrats are openly hailing the recent ruling as their proof that the dawn of single payer is now on us. Obama's assurances were just pablum to placate the deplorables out in the heartland in order to get the detested bill through. In reality, Obamacare was very much a Trojan horse to sneak into the American edifice, wreck its health care system, break it from within, and sure enough, install a Soviet-style alternative.
And in the rubble, Cloward-Piven's strategy would ensure that socialist rule. Ezra Klein isn't even trying to hide it.




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