

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sunday Schadenfreude: Desperate Elizabeth Warren grovels to save presidential hopes

Perhaps you’ve heard that Elizabeth Warren finally confessed (video here) that she is “not a person of color” to a mostly black audience at a historically black college. This is a sign of desperation, following the intense blowback to her release of a genetic test showing that she had between 1/64th and 1/1024th native American heritage, or slightly less than the average percentage of NA heritage for all Americans.
Warren is one of those people so utterly convinced of her righteousness that she assumed people would be persuaded that yes, you see, she does have Indian blood. Having never in her life experienced discrimination, and evidently being ignorant of the history of race relations in the US, she clumsily invoked the “one drop rule” with its history of condemning people who tried to “pass” as white, back in the days when having black or any non-white heritage risked being subjected to invidious discrimination, instead of being lionized as a victim and given an array of preferences, That reversal  is precisely why Warren made her claim.
The Washington Post tried to put a positive spin on the confession, headlining that “Warren seeks to connect with minority communities in commencement address.” A better and funnier headline would be “Warren seeks to avoid getting scalped over her lie.”
The Post puts a smiley face on its lead:
 Acknowledging that she is “not a person of color,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sought Friday to make the case that her liberal policy prescriptions stand to benefit minority communities, which would be key to her fate in a 2020 presidential bid.

“As a country, we need to stop pretending that the same doors open for everyone, because they don’t,” Warren said in a commencement address at Morgan State University, a historically black institution. “I’m not a person of color. And I haven’t lived your life or experienced anything like the subtle prejudice, or more overt harm, that you may have experienced just because of the color of your skin.”
But by paragraph 3, it acknowledged the real reason – not “seeking to connect” but damage control – behind the pubic confession:
Her speech comes as Warren is mulling a White House bid and trying to regain her footing after stoking outrage on the left by releasing a DNA test in October intended to prove she has Native American ancestry. The test angered some minority leaders who found it offensive that she would use genetics to prove ethnicity.
One person not making excuses for Warren is Howie Carr, perhaps her biggest media antagonist. I am a huge fan of his and have read most of his books. Today’s column is wonderful, starting with the clever use of “white lies” in the headline. Do read the whole thing. But Pay attention to this demand because Howie has a  vast audience in New England, and is capable of leading a wave of public demand:
Here’s the next step for the woman who was white before she was Cherokee before she was white: release your employment applications to the law schools at Harvard and Penn. Since you now admit you’re a white woman, it shouldn’t be a problem to prove once and for all that you never did “check the box” to grab a racial preference you weren’t entitled to.
Show us, fake Indian, that you did not speak with forked tongue many moons ago. If you no lie, we smoke peace pipe.
YouTube screen grab
Howie notes, as do most observers, that the only reason she is humiliating herself this way is to keep alive her quest for the presidency. But it isn’t going to work. First of all, minorities have a veto over the Democrats’ candidate. Black turnout is critical to presidential success for a Democrat. Anything less than enthusiasm is fatal. The contention that Warren faked her heritage to get affirmative action bennies is enough to discourage turnout. Her opponents will continually raise it as an issue.
There are at least 30 other potential candidates out there for Dems who haven’t faked minority status.
End of story for “President Elizabeth Warren” moving from fantasy to reality.   


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