

Friday, August 30, 2019

From Chad on Facebook Great Point

Democrat Politicians and their own appointed high ranking FBI Agents and corrupt DOJ personnel appear to be immune from accountability for their deliberate wrongdoing and criminal malfeasance in their seditious efforts to subvert our nation's electoral process and given a pass.
Engaging in prosecutorial malfeasance by falsely accusing duly elected Republican president of the United States Donald J. Trump of colluding with foreign agents to influence a national election even as they themselves rely on the foreign influence of our elections with the thousands of illegal aliens whose wellbeing they put above that of the American people.
Then we have a high profile suspect and major Democrat donor in the person of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested on charges of sex trafficking minors placed in federal custody (with potentially incriminating and damning evidence against several high profile prominent Democrats) die under questionable and suspicious circumstances while in federal custody.
A fate oddly enough a majority of the people had predicted with erie accuracy.
Again, no accountability of anyone.
Is it any wonder why so many Americans have absolutely no trust or belief in this two tiered justice system?
This isn't a "government of the people".
It's the same kind of tyranny Americans fought a revolution to free themselves from over 243 years ago.

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