

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sean Hannity: Democrat control of cities has led to 'socialist nightmare,' exploding homelessness

Fox did a special on Homelessness  and it really was a good series to see how these Cities have fallen

Cities controlled by Democratic politicians have become a “socialist nightmare,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said Tuesday. Hannity stated on his show, “We have vermin, needles on the street, trash piling up, full-blown homeless epidemic, liberal run cities all across this country, many of them, ruled by Democrats for decades, grappling with what is an undeniable worsening public health crisis.” In California, homelessness has been rampant across the state and merchants and homeowners have become increasingly vocal. LA RESIDENTS FED UP WITH OFFICIALS, DEMAND CHANGE AFTER HOMELESS CRISIS SPIRALS IN CITY In a viral post, Elizabeth Novak blasted California Gov. Gavin Newsom via Twitter, complaining that government inaction leaves residents and business owners like her having to clean up after homeless people who sleep on the streets and sidewalks. But Novak is just the latest fed-up resident to point the finger at liberal policies for helping to create a problem, and then making it worse. “Why is it that everywhere we’re promised a liberal utopia, we get a socialist nightmare?" Hannity mused on his top-rated show. "Why is it that almost everywhere Democrats have had control for decades, we see massive income inequality, decrease in quality of life, rising crime, a middle-class exodus, mass migration out of these liberal cities and states?“ SAN FRANCISCO HOMELESS STATS SOAR: CITY BLAMES BIG BUSINESS, RESIDENTS BLAME OFFICIALS Hannity noted recent headlines about the homelessness explosion in California, including the case of a 25-year-old vagrant arrested for violently attacking a woman outside a condo complex, a report from Los Angeles about 124 confirmed cases of Typhus and a Philadelphia proposal for “safe injection sites” for drug users. CLICK HERE FOR THE FOX NEWS APP Celebrity medical expert Dr. Drew Pinksky and Emily Compagno investigated conditions on Skid Row in Los Angeles, saying “the entire L.A. basin is at risk for a public health crisis,” highlighting the population of "rats, garbage, and feces” on the streets.


Proof is in the video

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