

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compilation: Media, Democrats Bash Trump Over Killing of ISIS Leader

Establishment hates Trump so much they can't even acknowledge obvious win for America

The mainstream media and even some Democrats couldn’t bring themselves to praise President Trump over his decision to raid and kill the infamous ISIS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Instead, they deployed every form of spin and criticism they could muster in attempt to make Trump look bad for vanquishing the world’s most wanted man.
Here are a few examples:
Some pundits lamented that killing ISIS members only reinforces their murderous ideology.
CBS News Senior National Security contributor Mike Morell said he was “bothered” by Trump detailing Baghdadi’s death because it “inspires extremists.”
Vox editor Aaron Rupar lambasted Trump for saying that witnessing the raid against Baghdadi was like “watching a movie.”
A CNN correspondent compared Trump’s language about Baghdadi to ISIS’s hateful rhetoric.
Obama officials like his Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff criticized Trump for “piling on” the humiliation of ISIS’s defeat.
Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the successful raid was not “mission accomplished.”
A CNN panel condemned Trump’s “irresponsible” remarks about Baghdadi “dying like a dog.”
Fox News’ Chris Wallace harped on Vice President Mike Pence for not briefing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the special operations raid.
2020 Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders refused to congratulate Trump or the U.S. forces who conducted the raid, instead giving credit to the Kurds in Syria.
“Saturday Night Live” couldn’t even help digging into Trump over his dovish Syria policy, saying he’s “Making ISIS Great Aagain”…the same night al-Baghdadi was killed.
Fortunately, some journalists, like Glenn Greenwald, recognized the media’s shameful behavior and called them out on it.

Alex Jones breaks down the history behind and leading up to the withdrawal of US Troops from Syria.


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