

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Democrats Don’t Care About You!

“…House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic majority have approved more subpoenas to investigate President Trump than they have written laws. The subpoena issued [10/22/19] to former Ambassador William Taylor marked the 56th … That is ten more than the 46 House bills that have become law this year.” — The Washington Times, 10/22/19
“65 Percent Believe Congress Is Focused More on Impeachment Than Issues; 62 Percent Want the Opposite.” — ScottRasmussen.com, 10/10/19
“The Do Nothing Democrats should be focused on building up our Country, not wasting everyone’s time and energy on bullsh*t, which is what they have been doing ever since I got overwhelmingly elected…” — Donald Trump, on Twitter, 10/2/19

It’s one of the biggest political blunders in American political history. The Democrat Party is all-in on their phony “impeachment” gambit, instead of spending a lick of time and energy on issues that matter to voters. Drug prices, energy, health care, immigration, job creation, national security — the basic issues that Presidential elections are always about — are out of bounds for them. Democrats have thrown every egg into the impeachment basket. This weird, secret operation Adam Schiff is running in the basement of the Capitol — call it a “parody” impeachment — is their 2020 Presidential campaign. That’s it.
Nancy Pelosi actually said it “doesn’t matter” if this impeachment scheme costs Democrats the House. But the question I have is, why would it? If your cause is so righteous and Trump is such a reprobate, why would impeachment cost you a single seat? Wouldn’t you and your Party be hailed as heroes? Wouldn’t you dramatically expand your electoral majority?
Pelosi’s comment proves she knows her Party is heading off a cliff. But they’re so far gone that they’re making a deliberate decision to ignore everything that’s important to people. The Democrat Party is making it clear they are not concerned about you at all. They don’t care about your taxes. They don’t care about crime. They don’t care about the opioid crisis. They don’t care about homelessness. They have signaled that they’re not even going to seek the Presidency on policy issues. To Democrats, there’s only one issue: Donald Trump must go.
This means that all of 2020, as far as the Democrats are concerned, will be about getting rid of Donald Trump. Nothing else will happen in the House of Representatives. The Democrats have signaled they will be addressing nothing from now until the end of 2020 that has anything to do with the American people. You do not factor into the Democrats’ plans for the next year at all!

Nancy Pelosi
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In other words, Democrats are totally abandoning the political battlefield, which is fought on issues. They are leaving themselves completely naked — I mean politically, not in the Congresswoman Katie Hill (D, CA) sense. Voters are already noticing. And by Election Day a year from now, it will be obvious to every observer that only President Trump is actually trying to solve problems.
So what will they impeach him for? Well, precisely because he’s effective (see box). He’s showing them up, and they can’t have that! Democrats will always tell you who they fear — and right now that’s Donald Trump, because he stands between them and their quest for limitless power and total government control.
I love being able to point out that Democrats don’t care about you. It’s always been true, but now it’s as blatant as can be. Democrats don’t care about the issues they have always claimed to care about. They don’t care about Medicare-for-All. They don’t care about run-amok health care prices or out-of-control drug costs. They don’t care about guns or mass shootings. They don’t care about income inequality or oppression. They don’t care about student loan debt. They don’t care about climate change. They don’t care about clean water or clean air. They’re even willing to go on the record as gigantic hypocrites on war — this formerly peacenik, antiwar Party is now livid that troops are coming home, because it’s a chance to slam President Trump.
It’s such a teachable moment. Democrats have completely shoved aside voters’ concerns. It is so satisfying to explain this, because it’s so inarguably true, and it’s going to be so obvious to the entire country for the next year.
The Democrats have long claimed to be the Party of the little guy. They have paraded themselves around for generations, declaring how much they care about the average, ordinary schlub, the downtrodden, the victimized, the homeless, the hungry, the thirsty. They’re looking out for them. Democrats are protecting them from the ravages of American capitalism, from the depredations of American conservatism and the Republican Party in general.

For decades, Democrats have promised every minority group, every victimized demographic with a grievance: “We have compassion, tolerance, and open-mindedness — we’re your protectors.” And they’re doing nothing! They are fixated on impeachment. They are spending American tax dollars on themselves to advance their own political agenda: get the President thrown out of office.
You are at the bottom of their list of priorities. The American people are the last thing Democrats care about. Democrats in the media and Democrats in Washington don’t give a rip about voters. They’ve had control of the House since January, and what have they done? Diddlysquat. They haven’t lifted a finger to help the American people. They don’t care if you wallow in misery till the cows come home, with their methane flatulence. Democrats don’t give a damn. They are making sure that nothing good happens, because they don’t want Trump getting credit. So they’re determined to make sure your life doesn’t improve!
What a tremendous opportunity for the country to see that the Democrat Party is actually a great threat to daily life in America. This is the message every elected Republican should be carrying, that Democrats are singularly focused on trying to overturn an election they lost, because they only care about amassing power. Remind people that the Obama Administration told the American people that our best days were behind us, and we must accept a new era of decline — but in three years Donald Trump has proven there’s no need for America to be in decline!
Look, I could write the script. I just did.

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