

Saturday, August 31, 2024

I heard a Garbage pole . They are now claiming Harris is leading

 They were listing off all the good thing that would get Trump votes.  Great.   Then they mentioned Harris is now leading because , are we ready for this. They only named one thing;  Abortion.  they say she's leading because of abortion.  I really think these skewed polls are feeding us the biggest line of crap, and why?It was mentioned that her leading they can cheat to win and their can't be an argument.

Back to the abortion thing.  I seen a video(s) that cannot be posted on here of adult Human beings were getting beheaded cut up and mutilated on camera over in these Radical Muslim countries.  So why aren't these videos allowed, if the Marxist Left has celebrations over murdering a human life, the same way that Humans were being murdered in other Counties??  They are sick and the Idiots that are for abortion that don't want to see the video's are disgusting Pigs.


Just like in the other video's mentioned they were dismembered alive.
harris is leading because of abortion aka garbage LIES, women's health rights

They are Inbred sick people


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