

Friday, August 30, 2024

Maryland Democrat Wes Moore LIED About Being Awarded Bronze Star.

 Another Democrat flat out LYING again

Governor Wes Moore (D-MD)—an up-and-coming star in the Democratic Party—is facing renewed scrutiny over his false claim of receiving a Bronze Star. During his 2022 gubernatorial campaign, Moore’s staff tried to brush aside questions regarding the Bronze Star claims, insinuating the error wasn’t the fault of the Maryland Democrat but of other individuals who had propagated incorrect information. However, Moore appears to have lied on a 2006 White House fellowship application, claiming he received the award.

The initial controversy in 2022 stemmed from incorrect introductions by television interviewers Gwen Ifill and Stephen Colbert, who had previously identified him as a recipient of the prestigious military award. Moore did not correct these introductions, although he and his aides maintained that he never asserted to anyone that he had received the Bronze Star.

Despite the now-Maryland Governor and his staffers’ assertions to the contrary, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by The New York Times has uncovered an application submitted by the then 27-year-old Army veteran seeking a prestigious White House fellowship. According to the 2006 application, Moore falsely claims that the 82nd Airborne Division awarded him the Bronze Star Medal and the Combat Action Badge.

The episode echoes the ongoing controversy surrounding the 2024 Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), and his embellishments—and outright lies—regarding his tenure in the Minnesota National Guard. Walz abruptly retired shortly before his unit was set to be deployed to Iraq, and despite the Minnesota Governor’s insistence that he was unaware of the deployment orders, Walz’s public communications suggest otherwise.

Additionally, Walz has consistently and falsely claimed that he retired at the rank of Command Master Sergeant. According to his former battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel John Kolb, Walz “did not earn the rank.”



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