

Monday, December 12, 2011

First posting was on Obama's Jobs bill

I have always been in a union. I have good benefits and pay. Never have I had to use the union for any issues.   I always wondered why our unions wanted us to vote demecrat. Now I understand why.
   Everything in Obama's stimulus and current so called jobs bill was union jobs only!
 What about all the 18 to 25 year olds that are not working and not carrying a union card. Stimulus and the current so called jobs bill would have no affect on these unemployed people. So I am definitly NOT for this jobs bill.  Also the stimulus bill's jobs were temporary. So everytime a union person was called up to work was that job creation?  What a farce.
   So by listening to Obama Unions support Dems by using our union dues for political purposes. I never realized that until the libs were running the show. I am for the middle class and unemployed. Not just unemployed union labor!

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