

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Watch a stammering, babbling, Pelosi try to weasel her way out of her own 'like it, keep it' lies

Nancy hits a new, incoherent, low.
It's been clear for a while that Republicans made a mistake when they dubbed the ACA "Obamacare." First, it ties the unpopular, imploding millstone to a man who will be leaving office at the end of 2016.  It's simply too limiting.
Moreover, it's really a misnomer.  This disaster was created and implemented exclusively by Democrats, so it's only fair that they should all have the opportunity to bask in the beneficial glow of its epic rollout. "Democare" would be a moreapt nickname. 
Exhibit A in the "Hall of Dems responsible for the ACA train wreck" would be Obama, but B and C would be Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
Pelosi was particularly instrumental, and her "you have to pass it to find out what's in it" line has become a bumper sticker that every statist drone should be proud to slap on their Prius.  It could sit side by side with their "if you like your plan you can keep it" sticker.  In fact, they should have two of those because Obama wasn't the only one who lied about the government forcing insurers to cancel your policy.
Pelosi liked to make the bogus claim too. 
This morning, she appeared on Meet the Press and David Gregory brought it up.  Her rambling reply is a beautifully marbled slab of USDA Prime baloney.  We're not even sure that she's trying to make salient points anymore. She just babbles and hopes her answer is so confusing that no one will notice how completely, utterly, ridiculous it is.
Since I would have no idea how to transcribe the stilted insanity of what she says here, I'm just going to drop the video below. It's reminiscent of Obama's atrocious press conference and, like that appearance, it's pure comedy gold.
Enjoy, and be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.




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