

Monday, December 2, 2013

Backfire: Support for Socialized Medicine Hits All-Time LOW

The majority of Americans who believe healthcare is the responsibility of government has hit a record low, according to a recent Gallup poll.
To say the least, this comes at an awkward time: The catastrophic consequences of the “Affordable” Care Act have already begun to materialize, Obama is in full-blown damage control mode, and Americans largely feel that Obamacare is a joke.
According to the study, an all-time low of only 44% of Americans believe the government should have any degree of responsibility to provide healthcare to its citizens. This isn’t surprising considering that support for socialized medicine has been plummeting for years – and not just with conservatives, but Independents and Democrats alike. According to the study, 86% of Republicans think the government should completely stay out of our healthcare – an increase of 33 points since September 2000. Independents reportedly feel the same way, as evidenced by their 28-point rise to 55%. While only 19% of Democrats used to think government should stay out of our healthcare, today nearly a third believes the provision of healthcare is not the proper role of government.
Newsmax reports:
The results were in line with a two-year trend showing a growing number of Americans think the government should stay out of the healthcare business — and in stark contrast to a consensus in 2006, when 69 percent of Americans thought healthcare coverage was a proper responsibility for government.
Obamacare is already becoming an embarrassing failure and now the majority of Americans don’t even want the government getting in between us and our healthcare at all.
If you agree the government should stay out of the healthcare business, recommend this article on Facebook.

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