

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Democrat Rep. Claims Voter ID Is Racist

After all the Crap coming from these Leftist Socialist idiots we have running this country and an Idiot in the White House that is a Habitual Liar I would love to see voter Id laws enforced to prevent these 108% voter turnout, and all the dead people voting along with Illegals, and these people voting more than once!  Racist??? nothing racist here, I look at it as protecting the integrity of the voting process to keep these leftist dirtbags from committing this fraud! Probably the only way they know they will win.
Dem. Rep. Says Proposed Voter ID Laws Are Thinly Veiled Attempts to Suppress the Voting Rights of African Americans

Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder last week asking him to look over two proposed voting measures she claims are intended to “suppress the voting rights of African Americans and other minorities.”
“I am concerned about restrictive legislation concerning voter photo identification and the reduction of early voting days pending in the Ohio legislature, and seek your assistance,” Fudge wrote in the letter.
The legislation, S. 238 and H.B. 269, would reduce the number of absentee voting days by six, prohibit pre-paid absentee ballots from being sent to every voter and require people to show a form of photo ID to vote.
“I believe both of these proposals are designed to systemically restrict the access of eligible Ohioans’ to the voting booth, particularly minorities, students and the elderly,” Fudge said of the proposed legislation.
“If enacted, H.B. 269 would disenfranchise large portions of the African American electorate and limit their access to the ballot box,” she said. “With no indication that voter fraud is a widespread problem in Ohio, this proposal is a thinly veiled attempt to reduce the number of people able to exercise their right to vote.”
The congresswoman surmised, labeling the proposal “active attempts to suppress the voting rights of African Americans and other minorities.
Is she scared of 2014??? Race card is the last resort when they know they are losing the argument!

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