

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Harry Reid Lied Again – Says Americans Can Keep Their Plans With #ObamaCare


                                    harry reid 5

Good morning folks,
Harry Reid broke news on NBC Las Vegas this week. Reid was confronted by KSNV’s Jeff Gillan about the, “If you like your plan you can keep it,” lie repeatedly promised by the President, Reid himself, and nearly every Democrat on the ballot in 2014.
“That was so damaging, a lot of people said, for the President to go and say that you will be able to keep your coverage if you like it. There were thousands of people who found out that wasn’t possible,” Gillan correctly pointed out.  Reid’s response? “What he said was true. If you want to keep the insurance you have you can keep it.” Gillan seemed stunned.  ”Ok.”  Did Harry Reid just blatantly lie (again) on live television?
Indeed he did.  That promise was as untrue three years ago as it is today.  In addition to voting for ObamaCare, Reid and every Senate Democrat unanimously supported the very ObamaCare rule that’s responsible for the health insurance cancellations that have hurt so many people, and some of Reid’s colleagues have admitted as much. When asked whether President Obama mislead Democrats, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) admitted:“He should have just been more specific…No, we all knew.”  
They all knew. Not only is Harry Reid not apologizing for lying, he’s lying again to cover up the lie – even whilemillions of Americans will lose health care coverage that they liked. When does it end?
Harry Reid and nearly every Democrat in the Senate joined Barack Obama in repeatedly promising his constituents something that they knew was blatantly false.  How can any American trust anything they say about ObamaCare today after they’ve lied about the law to pass it, and continue to lie about it today? Americans yearn for competence and credibility in Washington and Democrats are embroiled in a crisis of both.
Seize the day,
Brad Dayspring
Brook Hougesen

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