

Friday, December 6, 2013

Video: Obama Defends the IRS Targeting of the Tea Party

Obama is now claiming that the IRS targeting of the Tea Party is perfectly legal and that people shouldn’t be “outraged” over it. In other words, he’s and the IRS are going to get away with essentially rigging the 2012 presidential election.
Remember, the very foundation of a legitimate constitutional republic requires free and fair elections. That means freedom of speech and the ability to not worry about political consequences to one’s political views or statements.
All of that is going out with the trash as Obama continues to “fundamentally transform” America so that those who believe in liberty are demonized, targeted, and attacked by the government itself.
Obama made the statements in a pathetic propaganda “interview” with Chris Mathews, an Obama-loyal liberal who sometimes pretends to be a journalist on MSNBC.
Here’s the video of the exchange:
In the end, the IRS essentially swung the 2012 presidential election in Obama’s favor. We know that the orders came straight “from the top”We know over 90 agents were involved. We know the IRS scandal leads to Obama. But nothing will be done.
I suppose some say we’re overreacting, and that Obama won’t do anything worse. Those people are the naive ones who bring down empires and destroy liberty. The truth is that liberty is in freefall.
For example, the IRS recently announced new rules to target the Tea Party again. They’re going after groups like FreedomWorks, one of the most powerful conservative groups in America.
The IRS is part of the political machine. It watches our bank accounts, literally steals our wealth, and is now used as a weapon to bludgeon those who dare question the “king”.
We live in a quasi-dictatorial world where Obama gets away with everything, congress does nothing, the courts wink and nod in approval, and the people are angry and frustrated.
This can’t last long. Eventually, something will snap. That day can’t come soon enough.

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