

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Social Security Disability Note

I know this 53 year old women I have mentioned here before who hasn't worked a day in her life and is totally on Social Security Disability and never paid a penny into it. She was diagnosed with get this........Panic attacks which is totally treatable. Here's  the kicker, back then she was into drugs and alcohol and hung out at the bars with motorcycle riders of all places. She is on 100% welfare and home heating assistance and she doesn't drive so she gets cheap public transportation. This Tuesday she is going in for a knee replacement. She found a doctor that will do it courtesy of the taxpayers. She will get some home care and her Drugs with the surgery for pain  paid 100%. The problem I have with all this is you have people that can't afford health care, and senior citizens have to get additional insurance to help pay their Medicare.  So when we hear that a big portion of Obamacare is medicaid expansion I can see how the hard working People and taxpayers are really getting fucked by the people that don't work.
    Now I am not a heartless bastard when it comes to people that really need help. but I know she was able to work but chose the easy way out because of her drug and alcohol  addiction. I also just found out in the mix there are two males 19 and 25 not in school, and the parents are not encouraging them to work and they just eat sleep and on the computer and getting some type of welfare and are on the dads insurance with some type of assistance.
          Its sad to see what this society is becoming with all the entitlement encouragement by this "Regime"

Update; she is getting free Prescription drugs, free home care because sehe don't drive, had a free ambulance ride.  Our healthcare would not foot this 100%. Medicaid or Obamacare is working for people who don'twork!

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