

Friday, April 8, 2016

‘Arab Spring’ in America: NAACP joins Soros-funded coalition for massive protests in D.C.

You are forewarned.

The Left, funded by the evil international currency-speculator George Soros, are planning MASSIVE unrest to achieve the same ill purpose as the Middle East’s disastrous so-called Arab Spring.
George Soros evil
Aaron Klein reports for Breitbart, April 5, 2016, that beginning April 11, Washington, DC, will be the locus of wave after wave of leftwing craziness — of protests and mass civil disobedience organized by two groups that call themselves “Democracy Spring” and “Democracy Awakening.”
Democracy Spring, which is currently in the midst of a 10-day protest march from Philadelphia to DC, with plans for a major escalation in DC on April 11. On that date, the group says it is plotting “one of the largest civil disobedience actions in a generation.” As of this writing, 3,404 “activists” had pledged online to participate.
 After Democracy Spring begins to wind down, its sister movement Democracy Awakening plans a second wave of 3-day protests starting on Saturday, April 16.
Kai NewkirkKai Newkirk, Democracy Spring’s campaign director, said his group and Democracy Awakening are “like two wings of the same bird” with “very substantial overlap within the organizations and the leaders”.
Blacks and liberal Jews have always made common cause. The planned Arab Spring-like protests in D.C. are no different.
Democracy Awakening, a coalition of leftwing groups, is now joined by America’s largest and long-established black activist group, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
The coalition claims it is “coming together to demand a democracy that works for all of us – a nation where our votes are not denied and money doesn’t buy access and power.”
Raquel CoombsAsked why the group decided to take part in Democracy Awakening, Raquel Coombs, the NAACP’s vice president for communications and digital media, told Breitbart News:
This Presidential election will be the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. States with the worst histories of discrimination are pushing for new barriers to block the young, the poor, the elderly and minority voters from the ballot in 2016. Congress has solutions to restore the integrity of the voting process and remove those barriers but has so far failed to act on any of those legislative proposals.
Democracy Awakening is our way of coming together across all faiths, political affiliation, and race and claim a democracy where every voice is heard and every vote counts equally.
Robert WeissmanRobert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, a group that says it champions citizen interests, is a lead organizer of Democracy Awakening. Weissman toldBreitbart News that the Awakening movement’s specific plans for “direct action” are not yet finalized, but it will include civil disobedience and activists risking arrest.
Many of the participating groups are funded by billionaire international currency speculatorGeorge Sorosincluding Weissman’s Public Citizen,MoveOn, AVAAZ, Campaign for America’s Future, Common Cause, Democracy for America, Democracy 21, Demos, Institute for Policy Studies, People for the American Way, Project Vote, and UHCAN.
Soros’ Open Society has also given numerous grants to the NAACP.
So how many of the “Democracy Spring” and “Democracy Awakening”protesters will be fake?
See also:

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