

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Did you know that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ co-founder is a MUSLIM?

Always wondered why the Muslims were with them.

According to Yusra Khogali, Black (and Muslim) lives matter … but the lives of “men and white folks” do not. No wonder designated terrorist group CAIR always happens to show up whenever Black Lives Matter is in town to stir up hate against whitey.

Yusra Khogali


CityNews  (h/t TROP) That apparently is the message Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali was trying to convey when she posted a controversial tweet on Feb. 9 that surfaced Tuesday morning. In the tweet, Khogali asks Allah for strength “to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

Black Lives Matters activist Sandy Hudson blamed the media for focusing on the tweet, instead of the larger issues at hand. “This is extremely frustrating and emotional for me because we slept outside for two weeks to get somebody to care about death in our community and this is what you decided to focus on? It’s very, very, very irresponsible,” she said.

When repeatedly asked for a comment on the tweet, she refused.


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