

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Epic fail: Dozens show up around the country for 'Million Student March'

Bernie Followers; Wants free stuff but don't want to work for it......Sad

This year’s “Million Student March” — scheduled for Wednesday, April 13 on college campuses across America — appears to have failed miserably because hardly anyone bothered to show up.
Organizers had hoped for a huge turnout.
“A new wave of activism against student debt is on the move again this week,” The Huffington Post giddily promised on Monday. “The students taking the lead represent the advance guard of an even more massive army which is mobilizing around the idea that higher education should be an investment we make as a society.”
Kind of a small "advance guard," don't you think?
On the campus of the recently-troubled University of Missouri, for example, a sparse gathering of about 15 students protested as part of the “Million Student March,” according to the Columbia Missourian.
Campus police warned the protesters that any disruptive demonstrators could be arrested or suspended from school. 
At the University of California, Los Angeles, approximately 20 demonstrators showed up for the “Million Student March,” according to the Daily Bruin.
The tiny contingent included students, alumni and UCLA employees. They chanted. They spoke about issues including mental health funding. One protester held a “Students for Bernie” sign.
Just over two dozen students showed up on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison — along with “a light police presence,” according to The Badger Herald.
What were these infants screaming for?  More free stuff!
The group had four demands: (1) “tuition-free public college,” (2) “cancellation of ALL student debt,” (3) “a $15 minimum wage for ALL campus workers” and (4) “divestment from private prisons by ALL colleges and universities.” (The capitalized words are part of the demands.)
Obviously, it's not that these "demands" are unpopular.  But it appears that there was a monumental lack of organization.  They apparently believed that if they posted to Facebook and Twitter about the demonstrations, people would flock to their cause.
It takes a lot more than that.  You have to motivate people to act on their beliefs.  And in this case, the failure to do so was epic.


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