

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hillary caught in ‘equal pay for women’ trap

Nobody pontificates more obnoxiously about the phony “pay gap” for women than Hillary Clinton.  Given that personal choices about occupation (dangerous and technical jobs tend to pay more), work hours, and work continuity (women take child-rearing leave) account for 95% of the reported difference in pay between men and women, railing against injustice is an exercise in victimization-mongering for a champion of women unfairly discriminated against.
The problem Hillary faces is that her family foundation slush fund, The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, has a yuuuge “pay gap.”  Richard Pollock of the Daily Caller News Foundation reports:
Male executives at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of the foundation’s latest IRS tax filings.
The foundation’s 2013 IRS form 990 reveals that nearly three times as many men as women occupy the executive suites at the Little Rock, Arkansas-based foundation.
On average, top male executives at the foundation earn $109,000 more than the top female executives with positions in the C-suite.
Wow!  The phony average gross pay claim is that women “earn 79 cents on the dollar,” but at the BHACCF, they “earn [only] 62 cents on the dollar.”
If we had a media structure that wasn’t in the bag for Hillary, this would have been the big headline yesterday, and Hillary would have been pestered with questions on it.
To my mind, equally shocking is the high pay at BHACCF.
The foundation’s highest paid executive is Frederick Post, director of “sponsor and marketing,” who has built the foundation’s assets to $247 million. He received $484,000 in annual compensation.
The highest paid woman is CEO Virginia Ehrlich. Her pay is only $201,000, less than half that of Post’s.
The second-highest paid male is long-time Clinton associate Bruce Lindsay, who received $395,000 in annual compensation.
All eight male foundation execs earn $200,000 or more. Only one woman earned $200,000, while Stephanie Streett, its executive director, received a paltry $169,000.
As the old joke about missionaries in Hawaii goes, “they came to do good and ended up doing very, very well.”  Except that I would not attribute a motive of doing good to the employees at BHACCF.

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