

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Obama: I fixed the economy and made it fairer

Lets not forget about the 90 million plus out of work and the Highest number of people on welfare 

President Obama came into office with high expectations. He was going cause the oceans to recede. He was going to close Gitmo, reform immigration, solve climate change - and a host of other promises that he has honored in the breach.
But that hasn't stopped the most boastful president in history from changing history to toot his own horn. 
President Obama boasted Saturday that he brought the U.S. back from recession and at the same time made the economy fairer.
"Over the past seven years, we haven't just been recovering from crisis, we've been rebuilding our economy on a new foundation for growth — growth that benefits everybody, not just folks at the top," Obama said in his White House weekly address.
"Wages are finally rising again," Obama asserted.
Obama also pointed to his recent moves to stop American companies from fleeing his world-leading high corporate taxes to new, more competitive locations abroad.
"This week, the Treasury Department made it more difficult for companies to exploit this loophole and stick the rest of us with the tab," Obama explained.
"The Treasury Department took action to crack down on big corporations that change their address overseas after acquiring smaller companies, in order to reduce their tax bill here at home," the president said.
 What country is this guy talking about? Tyler Durden at Zerohedge blog refers to the Obama years as the "Waiter and Bartender Recovery." That's because the numbers of those who want a full time job but can only get part time employment have skyrocketed in the Obama years. And the numbers of discouraged workers have also shot to record levels,
Recovery? After 7 years of "recovery" there are still large swaths of the country with high unemployment and few jobs being created. How that translates into a "fairer" economy is beyond me.


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