For the love of Pete, can someone with a brain make the connection of how sidewalks in neighborhoods promotes the American dream, which is freedom, and why not having sidewalks is an obstacle to same? The Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx tried to do so in front of the Charlotte Rotary Club in North Carolina, but has fallen short in his explanation. What Foxx pointed out was that “only 49% of low income neighborhoods have sidewalks” as opposed to 90% of affluent areas.
His claim is that for everyone to have a “shot” at the American Dream, all neighborhoods need sidewalks and “it’s imperative that we acknowledge these challenges.” Foxx discussed ways “infrastructure should connect people to opportunity.” Opportunity is far different than the American Dream of freedom. Because of freedom, the united States was viewed as the land of opportunity due to the limited intrusion of government in the daily lives of citizens and the ability to move ahead if one is willing to work hard. Unfortunately, the land of opportunity has about dried up and freedom is almost a memory as the government encroaches even more into the daily lives of citizens.
According to
During his speech, Foxx referenced a map of Atlanta that showed areas of pedestrian and bicycle accidents. “The grey areas represent communities of concentrated poverty. This is representative of what’s occurring nationally, which is not surprising, because only 49% of low-income neighborhoods have sidewalks. In high-income areas the number is closer to 90%.”“So, if we want a society in which everyone has a shot at the American dream, than it is imperative that we acknowledge these challenges,” Foxx said.
From these statements, it appears Foxx is trying to attribute the lack of sidewalks to the incidences of pedestrian and bicycle accidents. It might be a coincidence, but can one really say the lack of sidewalks is an issue? How many “bicycle lanes” are present on the streets in many cities and towns to encourage individual to cycle to work or use in place of motorized vehicles? Plenty if the towns and cities are conspirators to the Agenda 21, nowAgenda 30, communist take-over of property. How many times have pedestrians ignored on-coming traffic to dart in front of a moving vehicle against a light or across a busy interstate highway? How many bicyclists do not observe the rules of the road when using the lanes on the roads? Travel in Atlanta frequently and these are common occurrences.
But, sidewalks will change all that. Having sidewalks in all neighborhoods will miraculously change the behavior of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists while providing an avenue to opportunities. Does anyone else have a problem swallowing this bull manure? Moreover, the unconstitutional Department of Transportation has nothing to do with city public transportation or the erection of sidewalks. Nor does this agency have any authority to assist in creating job opportunities.
Foxx has hired the DOT’s first Chief Opportunities Officer in 2015. The responsibilities of this person is to ensure “ladders of opportunity initiatives are coordinated, advanced and implemented across all levels of DOT.” Good guess on what that actually means, but for now, we can assume it is to have sidewalks everywhere so people will have access to opportunities for advancement.
Continuing, reports:
In 2014, Foxx prioritized the criteria for federal TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grants by adding “access to opportunities” as a criteria the government should take into account when awarding grants.“Transportation is about more than getting from one point to another–it’s about getting from where you are to a better life,” said Secretary Foxx in a press release discussing ‘Ladders of Opportunity’ grants in 2014.
If transportation could get one to a better life, let’s everyone get in our cars, drive to where we want, and see what kind of better life we get without any other skills to go along with it. If the lack of sidewalks in neighborhoods limited opportunity, many of us who live in rural areas without sidewalks would be sorely out of luck. How did any of us get a college education, work to pay for college, and find better jobs without sidewalks? Unfortunately, this government stooge and plenty listening to his tripe will believe this crock of dung.
Transportation does move us from point A to point B, period, for various activities. Access to opportunities are obtained through education, technical skill sets, ambition, determination and hard work. The ability to seek opportunities to a better life comes with attaining those things. This is a concept hard to grasp for Democrat puppets of Hussein Soetoro such as Foxx. The lack of sidewalks are the cause of poverty, increased welfare and crime in lower income neighborhoods according to this man. Moreover, lack of transportation is responsible for the limited opportunities afforded to low income neighborhood residents, if one follows this man’s inept logic.
Modes of transportation already exist to move people from one point to another. It has made no difference in the number of individuals in poor neighborhoods or those on welfare “accessing opportunities.” Neither has sidewalks or the lack of them. What has made the difference is the increasing socialistic policies of Democrats to dole out money to those who can work but refuse to do so. Paying individuals who won’t work to keep those votes coming in is the primary concern for Democrats.
This boils down to another avenue in which the government can waste more taxpayer money, drive up the debt, and assist Hussein Soetoro in the destruction of America.
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