

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This Chick Has NO CLUE What Raising The Minimum Wage Is Going To Do

When someone says that raising the minimum wage will actually promote job security, you know you’re dealing with a bunch of low-info nuts who have no idea how the economy actually works.
In the wake of California committing economic suicide by raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, Neil Cavuto interviewed one of the activists who pushed for this mass stupidity. He asked her about the ramifications of the wage hike – including if she was concerned that people would lose their jobs because employers can’t afford to pay the increased wage. And – no. She’s not worried at all. Rich people have alllllllll the moneys, you know. And they’re just keeping it for themselves and letting poor people suffer. Because her Bernout friends told her so.
Watch. This is just sad –

Good grief. Now I know why Bernie Sanders is so popular these days (well, I knew before, but this was just a reminder of how much trouble we’re really in).
It’s not just fast food prices that are going to go up. We all like to point to places like McDonald’s and Burger King to show how bad it’s going to get. But even prices at the grocery store are going to increase. Gas station prices will probably increase as well. Anything that you buy on a regular basis is going to get more expensive, not because of normal economic trends, but because Democrats in government in their INFINITE WISDOM decided to capitulate to a bunch of entitled low-info whiners in exchange for re-election (let’s face it – that’s EXACTLY what’s going on here).
West Coast lefties sure know how to shoot themselves in the foot.


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