

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Verizon CEO Dismantles The Bernie Sanders Claim That Verizon Doesn’t Pay Taxes

Looks Like Sanders is learning from Reid on lying about someone not paying taxes.

74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders has been having a hard time on the campaign trail lately.
Sure he has won a few primaries but Hillary is burying him in the delegate race and he has sat down for a couplehorrendous interviews that have really exposed his lack of knowledge about the economy.
Then he decided to attack Verizon for no reason and make the audacious claim that they haven’t “paid a nickel” in taxes.
Well, the CEO of Verizon wasn’t too thrilled about that and he took Bernie to task in a LinkedIn post.
From The Blaze:
“[Sanders’] first accusation – that Verizon doesn’t pay its fair share of taxes – is just plain wrong,” Lowell McAdam wrote in a LinkedIn piece. ”As our financial statements clearly show, we’ve paid more than $15.6 billion in taxes over the last two years – that’s a 35% tax rate in 2015, for anyone who’s counting. …”
McAdam added, “I challenge Sen. Sanders to show me a company that’s done more to invest in America than Verizon.”
Lowell McAdam went on to blast Bernie for getting involved in Verizon’s ongoing labor strike where they saw workers get up and leave for more money.
Now I know that Bernie isn’t very good at math but $15.6 billion is definitely more than a nickel.  Quite a a bit more actually.
The LinkedIn piece was an absolute bloodbath and it shows you what happens when you put Bernie in the same arena as someone who actually understands how businesses work.
This Bernie act is beginning to wear thin as people start understanding that life is more complicated than just saying “break up the banks”.
Bernie Sanders once said that no one “deserves” to make more than a million dollars.
He said that.
This guy thinks he can be president of the United States?
It’s a joke.

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